Faber, P. (2025) The Personal_Relationship Frame in Love Fraud. Applied Corpus Linguistics, pages 100119. doi:  |
Faber, P. (2024) The Frames of Romance Scamming. Research in Language, 22(1):1-23. doi:DOI: 10.18778/1731-7533.22.1.01.  |
Faber, P. (2023) Los diccionarios terminológicos. In Lexicografía hispánica. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Lexicography., edited by Torner, S., Battaner, P. & Renau, I. Routledge Spanish Language Handbooks, pages 565-586. London: Routledge. doi: |
Mairal-Usón, R. & Faber, P. (2023) A Conceptually Oriented Approach to Semantic Decomposition in RRG. In The Cambridge Handbook of Role and Reference Grammar, edited by Bentley, D., Mairal Usón, R., Nakamura, W. & Van Valin, J. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics, pages 218-241. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:doi:10.1017/9781316418086.  |
Faber, P. (2022) Frame-based Terminology. In Theoretical Perspectives on Terminology: Explaining terms, concepts and specialized knowledge, edited by Faber, P. & L´Homme, M.C. Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 23:353-376. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi:  |
Faber, P. & L´Homme, M.C. (2022) Theoretical Perspectives on Terminology: An Introduction. In Theoretical Perspectives on Terminology: Explaining terms, concepts and specialized knowledge, edited by Faber, P. & L´Homme, M.C. Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 23:1-12. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi:  |
Faber, P. & L´Homme, M.C. (2022) Theoretical Perspectives on Terminology: Explaining terms, concepts and specialized knowledge. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi:  |
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2021) Designing Terminology Resources for Environmental Translation. In The Oxford Handbook of Translation and Social Practices, edited by Meng Ji, C. & Laviosa, S., pages 587-616. New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190067205.013.7.  |
León-Araúz, P., Cabezas-García, M. & Faber, P. (2021) Multiword-term bracketing and representation in terminological knowledge bases. In Seventh Biennial Conference on Electronic Lexicography, eLex 2021, pages 139-163. Brno: Lexical Computing.  |
Mairal-Usón, R. & Faber, P. (2021) Rutas del Acceso al Léxico en un Entorno Lexicográfico. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 16:63-79. doi:  |
Ortega Martínez, C., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2021) Multimodality in Terminological Knowledge Bases: Knowledge Representation through Graphical Information. In En más de un sentido: Multimodalidad y construcción de significados en traducción e interpretación, edited by Martín de León, C. & Marcelo Wirnitzer, G. TIBÓN: Estudios Traductológicos, 3:101-117. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica. doi: |
León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2020) Translating environmental texts with EcoLexiCAT. In Translating and Communicating Environmental Cultures, edited by Ji, M. Routledge Studies in Empirical Translation and Multilingual Communication, pages 3-42. New York: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780429433498-110.  |
Mairal-Usón, R. & Faber, P. (2020) Linguistic research in the 21st century. Looking beyond. In Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer: Employability, Internationalisation and Social Challenges, edited by Valle, A.B., pages 25-51. Bern: Peter Lang. |
San Martín, A., Cabezas-García, M., Buendía-Castro, M., Sánchez-Cárdenas, B., León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2020) Presente y futuro de la base de conocimiento terminológica EcoLexicon. Onomázein, 49:174-202. doi:10.7764/onomazein.49.09.  |
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. & Faber, P. (2020) What the analysis of extended meaning of terms can reveal about verb semantic frame structure. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 40(1):1-21. doi:10.1080/07268602.2019.1690423.  |
Cabezas-García, M. & Faber, P. (2019) Semantic prosody and semantic preference in multi-word terms. Fachsprache, 41(1-2):2-21. doi:  |
Faber, P. & Cabezas-García, M. (2019) Specialized Knowledge Representation: From Terms to Frames. Research in Language, 17(2):197-211. doi:  |
Faber, P. & León-Aráuz, P. (2019) Frame-based terminology applied to military science: transforming a glossary into a knowledge resource. Lexicography. Berlin: Springer. doi:  |
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2019) Transforming glossaries into knowledge resources: frame-based terminology applied to military science. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography, edited by Gürlek, M., Çiçekler, A. & Tasdemir, Y., pages 412-438. Elazig: Asos Publisher.  |
Faber, P. & Montero-Martínez, S. (2019) Terminology. In The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Translation Studies, edited by Valdeón, R.A. & Vidal, &.. London: Routledge.  |
Faber, P. & Reimerink, A. (2019) Framing terminology in legal translation. International Journal of Legal Discourse, 4(1):15-46. doi:  |
Fernández-Martínez, N.J. & Faber, P. (2019) Who stole what from whom? A corpus-based, cross-linguistic study of English and Spanish verbs of stealing. Languages in Contrast. John Benjamins. doi:DOI: 10.1075/lic.19002.fer.  |
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2019) Ontological Knowledge Enhancement in EcoLexicon. In Proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference: Electronic lexicography in the 21st century, edited by Kosem, I., Zingano-Kuhn, T., Correia, M., Ferreira, J.P., Jansen, M., Pereira, I., Kallas, J., Jakubíček, M., Krek, S. & Tiberius, C., pages 177-197. Brno: Lexical Computing CZ, s.r.o.  |
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2019) EcoLexicon and by-products: integrating and reusing terminological resources. Terminology, edited by Alcina, A., Costa, R. & Roche, C. Special issue of Terminology and e-dictionaries, 25(2):222-258. John Benjamins Publishing Company.  |
León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2019) Assessing EcoLexiCAT: Terminology Enhancement and Post-editing. In Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: Smart lexicography. Proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference, edited by Kosem, I., Zingano Khun, T., Correia, M., Ferreira, J.P., Jansen, M., Pereira, I., Kallas, J., Jakubíček, M., Krek, S. & Tiberius, C., pages 130-160. Brno: Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o..  |
Rojas-García, J. & Faber, P. (2019) Extraction of terms for the construction of semantic frames for named bays. Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(1):27-57.  |
Rojas-García, J. & Faber, P. (2019) Extraction of Terms related to Named Rivers. Languages, 4(46). doi:10.3390/languages4030046.  |
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2018) Online resources for phraseology-related problems in legal translation. In Phraseology in Legal and Institutional Settings: A Corpus-based Interdisciplinary Perspective, edited by Gozdz-Roszkowski, S. & Pontrandolfo, G., pages 61-85. London/New York: Routledge.  |
Cabezas-García, M. & Faber, P. (2018) Phraseology in specialized resources: an approach to complex nominals. Lexicography, 5(1):55-83. doi:10.1007/s40607-018-0046-x.  |
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2018) Subtypes of Hyponymy in the Environmental Domain: Entities and Processes. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Terminology & Ontology: Theories and Applications (TOTh 2016), edited by Roche, C., pages 39-54. Chambéry: Éditions de l'Université Savoie Mont Blanc.  |
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2017) Verb Collocations for Natural Disasters: a Contrastive Study of Mexican and Peninsular Spanish. Sendebar(28)pages 189-208.  |
Cabezas-García, M. & Faber, P. (2017) A Semantic Approach to the Inclusion of Complex Nominals in English Terminographic Resources. In Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology. EUROPHRAS 2017, edited by Mitkov, R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10596:145-159. Cham: Springer. doi:  |
Cabezas-García, M. & Faber, P. (2017) Exploring the semantics of multi-word terms by means of paraphrases. In Temas actuales de terminología y estudios sobre el léxico, edited by Candel-Mora, M.A. & Vargas-Sierra, C. Interlingua 172, pages 193-217. Granada: Comares.  |
Cabezas-García, M. & Faber, P. (2017) The role of micro-contexts in noun compound formation. Neologica. La néologie en terminologie(11)pages 101-118. doi:10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-06995-9.p.0101.  |
Faber, P. & Mairal Usón, R. (2017) The Functional Lexematic Model: past, present and future. In Estudios de Filología Inglesa, edited by Cutillas Espinosa, J.a.H.C., Manchón Ruiz, R. & Mena Martínez, F., pages 315-340. Murcia: Editum.  |
Faber, P. & Medina-Rull, L. (2017) Written in the Wind: Cultural Variation in Terminology. In Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages, edited by Gryviel, M., pages 419-442. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.  |
Faber, P. & Navjas-Perez, R. (2017) Secondary Term Formation and Term Stability in Genetics: An English-Spanish Corpus Study. In The Language of Science and the Science of Language, edited by Petkova, E., Mihaylova-Palanska, M. & Kolkovska, S., pages 262-279. Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.  |
Faber, P., Verdejo-Román, J., León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Guzmán Pérez-Carrillo, G. (2017) Specialized knowledge processing in the brain: an fMRI study. In Terminological Approaches in the European Context, edited by Faini, P., pages 168-182. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.  |
Faber, P. & Vidal Claramonte, M.d.C.&. (2017) Food terminology as a system of cultural communication. Terminology, 23(1):155-179. De Gruyter.  |
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C. & Faber, P. (2017) The Role of Terminological Knowledge Bases in Specialized Translation: The Use of Umbrella Concepts. In Temas actuales en terminología y estudios sobre el léxico, edited by Candel-Mora, M.A. & Vargas-Sierra, C. Interlingua 172, pages 1-25. Granada: Comares.  |
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2017) Specifying Hyponymy Subtypes and Knowledge Patterns: A Corpus-based Study. In Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of eLex 2017 conference., edited by Kosem, I., Kallas, J., Tiberius, C., Krek, S., Jakubíček, M. & Baisa, V., pages 63-92. Brno: Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o..  |
León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2017) EcoLexiCAT: a Terminology-enhanced Translation Tool for Texts on the Environment. In Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of eLex 2017 conference, edited by Kosem, I., Kallas, J., Tiberius, C., Krek, S., Jakubíček, M. & Baisa, V., pages 321-341. Brno: Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o..  |
San Martín, A., Cabezas-García, M., Buendía, M., Sánchez-Cárdenas, B., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2017) Recent Advances in EcoLexicon. Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America, 38(1):96-115.  |
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2016) EcoLexicon, une nouvelle version plus proche des besoins des traducteurs. In Aspects of Specialised Translation, edited by Balbuena Torezano, M. & Calderón, A.G., pages 144-152. Tübingen: Narr. |
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2016) Phraseological correspondence in English and Spanish Specialized Texts. In Computerised and Corpus-based Approaches to Phraseology: Monolingual and Multilingual Perspectives = Fraseología computacional y basada en corpus: perspectivas monolingües y multilingües, edited by Corpas Pastor, G., pages 391-398. Geneva: Tradulex.  |
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2016) Bridging the Gap between Description and Standardization: a Frame-based Version of NATO Glossaries. In Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress. Lexicography and Linguistic Diversity, edited by Margalitadze, T. & Meladze, G., pages 499-508. Tbilisi: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University Press.  |
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2016) Specialized knowledge representation and the parameterization of context. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(00196). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00196.  |
Faber, P., León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2016) EcoLexicon: new features and challenges. In GLOBALEX 2016: Lexicographic Resources for Human Language Technology in conjunction with the 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, edited by Kernerman, I., Kosem Trojina, I., Krek, S. & Trap-Jensen, L., pages 73-80. Portorož.  |
Faber, P., Reimerink, A. & León-Araúz, P. (2016) Encoding Context in Bilingual Specialized Dictionaries. In Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress. Lexicography and Linguistic Diversity, edited by Margalitadze, T. & Meladze, G., pages 491-498. Tbilisi: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University Press.  |
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C. & Faber, P. (2016) Refining Hyponymy in a Terminological Knowledge Base. In Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Workshop on Language and Ontology (LangOnto2) & Terminology and Knowledge Structures (TermiKS) at the 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2016). Portorož, Slovenia.  |
León-Araúz, P., San Martín, A. & Faber, P. (2016) Pattern-based Word Sketches for the Extraction of Semantic Relations. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computational Terminology (Computerm2016), pages 73-82. Osaka, Japan: COLING 2016.  |
Reimerink, A., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2016) Image selection and annotation for an environmental knowledge base. Language Resources and Evaluation, pages 1-32. doi:10.1007/s10579-016-9345-8.  |
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & Faber Benítez, P. (2016) Uso de corpus monolingües y comparables en el aula para traducir conectores adverbiales. Cadernos de traduçao. Corpus Use and Learning to Translate, almost 20 years on, 1:147-176.  |
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & Faber, P. (2016) Corpus analysis and the translation of adverbs in specialised texts: Raising student awareness. In Corpus-based Approaches to Translation and Interpreting: from theory to applications, edited by Corpas Pastor, G. & Domínguez, M.S. Studien zur romanischen Sprachwissenschaft und interkulturellen Kommunikation, pages 195-217. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. doi:  |
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2015) EcoLexicon como asistente en la traducción. In VII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación: Nuevos horizontes en los Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación (Comunicaciones completas) / New Horizons in Translation and Interpreting Studies (Full papers) / Novos horizontes dos Estudos da Tradução e Interpretação (Comunicações completas), edited by Corpas Pastor, G., Seghiri Domínguez, M., Gutiérrez Florido, R. & Urbano Mendaña, M., pages 195-203. Geneva: Tradulex.  |
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2015) Phraseological units in English-Spanish legal dictionaries: a comparative study. Fachsprache: International Journal of Specialized Communication, XXXVII(3-4):161-175. |
Faber, P. (2015) Frames as a framework for terminology. In Handbook of Terminology, edited by Kockaert, H.J. & Steurs, F., 1:14-33. John Benjamins Publishing Company.  |
León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2015) Fuertes-Olivera, Pedro A., and Sven Tarp. 2014. Theory and Practice of Specialised Online Dictionaries. Lexicography versus Terminography. Terminology, 21(1):126-136. doi:10.1075/term.21.1.06leo.  |
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2014) Collocation Dictionaries: A Comparative Analysis. MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, 6:203-235. doi:10.6035/MonTI.2014.6.7.  |
Buendía Castro, M., Montero Martínez, S. & Faber, P. (2014) Verb collocations and phraseology in EcoLexicon. Yearbook of Phraseology, 5(1):57-94. De Gruyter.  |
Faber, P. & Buendía Castro, M. (2014) EcoLexicon. In Proceedings of the XVI EURALEX International Congress, edited by Andrea Abel, C.V. & Ralli, N., pages 601-607. Bolzano: EURALEX. |
Faber, P. & L'Homme, M.C. (2014) Lexical semantic approaches to terminology. An introduction. Terminology: international journal of theoretical and applied issues in specialized communication, 20(2):143-150. John Benjamins Publishing. doi:10.1075/term.20.2.01int.  |
Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2014) Representing environmental knowledge in EcoLexicon. In Languages for Specific Purposes in the Digital Era. Educational Linguistics, 19:267-301. Springer.  |
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2014) Specialized knowledge dynamics: From cognition to culture-bound terminology. In Dynamics and Terminology. An interdisciplinary perspective on monolingual and multilingual culture-bound communication, edited by Temmerman, R. & Van Campenhoudt, M. Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 16:135-158. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/tlrp.16.08fab.  |
Faber, P., Verdejo, J., León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Guzmán, G. (2014) Neural Substrates of Specialized Knowledge Representation: An fMRI study. Revue fraçaise de linguistique appliquée, 19(1):15-32. Pub. linguistiques.  |
León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2014) Context and Terminology in the Multilingual Semantic Web. In Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web, edited by Buitelaar, P. & Cimiano, P., pages 31-47. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-43585-4_3.  |
Pelegrina, A.B., Martin-Bautista, M.J. & Faber, P. (2014) Improving Personalization and Contextualization of Queries to Knowledge Bases Using Spreading Activation and Users’ Feedback. In Foundations of Intelligent Systems, edited by Andreasen, T., Christiansen, H., Cubero, J.C. & Raś, Z. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8502:285-294. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08326-1_29.  |
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & Faber, P. (2014) A functional and constructional approach for specialized knowledge resources. Language Processing and Grammars: The role of functionally oriented computational models, edited by Nolan, B. & Periñán-Pascual, C. Studies in Language Companion Series, pages 297-312. Caen (France): John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/slcs.150.12san.  |
San Martín, A. & Faber, P. (2014) Deep semantic representation in a domain-specific ontology: Linking EcoLexicon to FunGramKB. Language Processing and Grammars: The role of functionally oriented computational models, edited by Nolan, B. & Periñán-Pascual, C. Studies in Language Companion Series, pages 271-296. John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/slcs.150.11mar.  |
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. & Faber, P. (2014) A cognitive sociolinguistic approach to metaphor and denominative variation: A case study of marine biology terms. Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 12(1):193-222. John Benjamins Publishing Company.  |
León Arúz, P. & Faber, P. (2013) Environmental Ontology Localization and Translation Relations. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Environmental Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, EnviroInfo 2013, edited by Page, B., Fleischer, A., Göbel, J. & Wohlgemuth, V., pages 582-591. Shaker Verlag.  |
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2013) Multidimensional and Multimodal Information in EcoLexicon. In Computational Linguistics, edited by Przepiórkowski, A., Piasecki, M., Jassem, K. & Fuglewicz, P. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 458:143-161. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-34399-5_8.  |
Pelegrina, A.B., Martin-Bautista, M.J. & Faber, P. (2013) Contextualization and personalization of queries to knowledge bases using spreading activation. In Flexible Query Answering Systems, edited by Legind, L.H., Martin-Bautista, M., Vila, M., Andreasen, T. & Christiansen, H., 8132:671-682. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40769-7_58.  |
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & Faber, P. (2013) Des Valeurs Axiologiques Au Service de La Publicité, ou Comment Rendre Un Produit Nettoyant Écologique. Le Discours et La Langue. Revue de Linguistique Française et D'analyse Du Discours, 5.1:71-92.  |
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M., Faber, P. & Buendía Castro, M. (2013) Frame blending in specialized language: Harmful algal bloom. Terminology, 19(2):175-201. John Benjamins Publishing Company. |
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2012) EcoLexicon as a tool for scientific translation. In Iberian Studies on Translation and Interpreting, edited by García-Izquierdo, I. & Monzó, E., pages 209-240. Bern: Peter Lang. |
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2012) EcoLexicon: Algo Más Que Un Tesauro Sobre El Medio Ambiente. Estudios De Traducción e Interpretación. Entornos De Especialidad, edited by Martí Ferriol, J. & Muñoz Miquel, A., 2:59-72. Castelló: Publicaciones de la Universitat Jaume I. |
Faber, P. (2012) A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. |
Faber, P. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2012) Terminology and specialized language. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:9-31. Berlin, Boston: Walter de Gruyter. |
Faber, P. & San Martín, A. (2012) Specialized language pragmatics. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:177-203. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. |
Faber, P. & Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2012) Specialized Language Translation. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:73-92. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. |
León Aráuz, P., Faber, P. & Montero Martínez, S. (2012) Specialized Language Semantics. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:95-175. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. |
León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2012) Causality in the Specialized Domain of the Environment. In Proceedings of the Workshop “Semantic Relations-II. Enhancing Resources and Applications” (LREC’12), edited by Mititelu, V.B., Popescu, O. & Pekar, V., pages 10-17. Istanbul: ELRA.  |
Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Faber, P. (2012) Graphical information. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:225-248. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. |
San Martín, A. & Faber, P. (2012) Identifying ontological mismatches between EcoLexicon and FunGramKB. La Lingüística aplicada en la era de la globalización = La Lingüística aplicada en l'era de la globalització = Applied Linguistics in the Age of Globalization, edited by Llanes Baró, A., Astrid Ciro, L., Gallego Balsà, L. & Mateu Serra, R.M., pages 521-528. |
Tercedor Sánchez, M., López Rodríguez, C.I. & Faber, P. (2012) Working with Words: Research Approaches to Translation-Oriented Lexicographic Practice. TTR: Traduction, terminologie, rédaction, 25(1):181-214. Association canadienne de traductologie. |
Tercedor Sánchez, M., López Rodríguez, C.I., Márquez Linares, C. & Faber, P. (2012) Metaphor and metonymy in specialized language. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:33-71. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. |
Faber, P. (2011) The dynamics of specialized knowledge representation: Simulational reconstruction or the perception--action interface. Terminology, 17(1):9-29. John Benjamins Publishing Company.  |
Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2011) Formalizing Specialized Knowledge Events in Satellite Ontologies. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence, edited by Kageura, K. & Zweigenbaum, P., pages 101-107. Paris.  |
Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2011) Knowledge representation in EcoLexicon. Technological Innovation in the Teaching and Processing of LSPs: Proceedings of TISLID, edited by Talaván, N., Martín Monje, E. & Palazón, F., 10:367-385. Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.  |
Faber, P., Mairal, R. & Magaña, P. (2011) Linking a Domain-Specific Ontology to a General Ontology. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, pages 564-569.  |
Faber, P. & San Martín, A. (2011) Linking specialized knowledge and general knowledge in EcoLexicon. In TOTh 2011. International Conference on Terminology & Ontology. Actes De La Cinquième Conférence TOTh. Annecy: Institut Porphyre.  |
Fernández, T. & Faber, P. (2011) The representation of multidimensionality in a bilingualized English-Spanish thesaurus for learners in architecture and building construction. International Journal of Lexicography, 24(2):198-225. Oxford Univ Press. doi:10.1093/ijl/ecq046.  |
León Araúz, P., Faber, P. & Magaña Redondo, P.J. (2011) Linking Domain-Specific Knowledge to Encyclopedic Knowledge: an Initial Approach to Linked Data. In 2nd Workshop on the Multilingual Semantic Web (The 10th International Semantic Web Conference), pages 68-73. Bonn.  |
León Araúz, P., Magaña Redondo, P.J. & Faber, P. (2011) Integrating Environment into the Linked Data Cloud. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Environmental Informatics. EnviroInfo Ispra 2011, edited by Pillman, W., Schade, S. & Smits, P., pages 370-379. Shaker Verlag.  |
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2011) Environmental knowledge in EcoLexicon. In Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics Applications Conference (CLA 2011), Jachranka, Poland, edited by Jassem, K., Fuglewicz, P. & Piasecki, M., pages 9-16. Jachranka (Poland).  |
Montero Martínez, S., Faber, P. & Buendía Castro, M. (2011) Terminología para traductores e intérpretes (Segunda edición). Granada: Tragacanto.  |
Tercedor Sánchez, M., Faber, P. & D'Angiulli, A. (2011) The depiction of wheels by blind children: preliminary studies on pictorial metaphors, language, and embodied imagery. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 31(1):113-128. SAGE Publications. doi:0.2190/IC.31.1-2.j.  |
Faber, P. (2010) English as an academic lingua franca. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 23:19-32. Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Inglesa.  |
Faber, P. (2010) Terminología, traducción especializada y adquisición de conocimiento. La traducción en contextos especializados. Propuestas didácticas, edited by Alarcón, E., pages 87-96. Granada: Atrio. |
Faber, P. & León Araúz, P. (2010) Dinamismo conceptual en las bases de conocimiento terminológico: el caso de EcoLexicon. Íkala, revista de lenguaje y cultura, 15(25):75-100.  |
Faber, P., León Arauz, P. & Pérez Hernández, C. (2010) A Wine Dictionary For Non--drinkers: LSP Dictionary Functions. In Vino, lengua y traducción, edited by Rodríguez, M.I., 2:109-120. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico.  |
Faber, P. & San Martín, A. (2010) Conceptual Modeling in Specialized Knowledge Resources. Information Technologies & Knowledge, 4(2):110-121. |
López Rodríguez, C.I., Faber, P., León Arauz, P., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2010) La Terminología basada en marcos y su aplicación a las Ciencias Ambientales: los proyectos MARCOCOSTA y ECOSISTEMA. Arena Romanistica, 7(10):52-74.  |
León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2010) Natural and contextual constraints for domain-specific relations. In The Workshop Semantic Relations, Theory and Applications, edited by Barbu Mititelu, V. & Pekar, V., pages 12-17. Valletta, Malta.  |
Reimerink, A., León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2010) A Qualia-based description of specialized knowledge units in the lexical-constructional model. Terminàlia, 1:17-25.  |
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. & Faber, P. (2010) Strategies for the semi-automatic retrieval of metaphorical terms. Metaphor and Symbol, 26(1):23-52. Taylor & Francis. doi:10.1080/10926488.2011.535415.  |
Ureña, J.M. & Faber, P. (2010) Reviewing imagery in resemblance and non-resemblance metaphors. Cognitive Linguistics, 21(1):123-149. doi:10.1515/COGL.2010.004.  |
Faber, P. (2009) Terminología multilingüe y ontologías. In Terminología y sociedad del conocimiento, edited by Alcina, A. & Valero, E., pages 289-308. |
Faber, P. (2009) The Cognitive Shift in Terminology and Specialized Translation. MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación(1)pages 107-134. Universitat de València.  |
Faber, P. (2009) The Pragmatics of Specialized Communication. Entreculturas, 1:61.  |
Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) Semantic relations, dynamicity, and terminological knowledge bases. Current Issues in Language Studies, 1(1):1-23.  |
León Araúz, P., Magaña Redondo, P.J. & Faber, P. (2009) Managing inner and outer overinformation in Ecolexicon: An environmental ontology. In 8th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence. Toulouse.  |
León Araúz, P., Magaña, P. & Faber, P. (2009) Building the SISE: an environmental ontology. In Proceedings of the EU Conference, Towards eEnvironment, Opportunities of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe, edited by Hrebícek, J., Hradec, J., Pelikán, E., Mírovský, O., Pillmann, W., Holoubek, I. & Bandholtz, T., pages 16-23. Brno: Masaryk University.  |
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2009) Knowledge Extraction on Multidimensional Concepts: Corpus Pattern Analysis (CPA) and Concordances. In 8ème conférence internationale Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle. Toulouse.  |
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2009) Puertoterm & Marcocosta: A Frame-based Knowledge Base for the Environmental Domain. Journal of Multicultural Communication, 1:47-70.  |
Montero Martínez, S. & Faber, P. (2009) Terminological competence in translation. Terminology, 15(1):88-104. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/term.15.1.05mon.  |
Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2009) Ecolexicon: A frame-based knowledge base for the environment. In European conference of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT Opportunities of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe, edited by Hrebícek, J., Mírovský, J.H.a.P.a., Pillmann, W., Holoubek, I. & Bandholtz, T., pages 25-27. Brno: Masaryk University.  |
Reimerink, A., León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2009) A Qualia-based Description of Specialized Knowledge Units in the Lexical-Constructional Model. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon, pages 197-205. Pisa.  |
Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2008) Semantic relations, dynamicity and terminological knowledge bases. In Proceedings of the XVIII FIT World Congress. Shanghai: Foreign Languages Press. |
León Araúz, P., Faber, P. & Pérez Hernández, C. (2008) LSP dictionaries and their genuine purpose: a frame-based example from MARCOCOSTA. In Proceedings of the XIII EURALEX International Congress (Barcelona, 15-19 July 2008), edited by Bernal, E. & DeCesaris, J., pages 997-1006. Barcelona: Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) / Documenta Universitaria.  |
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2008) PUERTOTERM and MARCOCOSTA: a frame-based knowledge base for the environmental domain. In Proceedings of the XVIII FIT World Congress. Shanghai: Foreign Languages Press. |
Montero Martínez, S. & Faber, P. (2008) Terminología para traductores e intérpretes. Granada: Tragacanto.  |
Faber, P., León Araúz, P., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Reimerink, A. (2007) Linking images and words: the description of specialized concepts. International Journal of Lexicography, 20(1):39-65. Oxford Univ Press. doi:10.1093/ijl/ecl038.  |
Faber, P., Márquez Linares, C. & Vega Expósito, M. (2007) Modelización conceptual en la traducción científica. In Brücken: Festschrift für Gerd Wotjak zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Emsel, M. & Cuartero Otal, J., pages 109-120. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. |
Senso Ruiz, J.A., Magaña Redondo, P.J., Faber, P. & Vila Miranda, A. (2007) Metodología para la estructuración del conocimiento de una disciplina: el caso de PuertoTerm. El profesional de la información, 16(6):591-604. doi:10.3145/epi.2007.nov.06.  |
Faber, P., León Arauz, P., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Reimerink, A. (2006) Linking images and words: the description of specialized concepts. In Proceedings XII Euralex International Congress, edited by Corino, E., Carla, M. & Onesti, C., pages 751-763. Torino. |
Faber, P., Montero Martínez, S., Castro Prieto, M.R., Senso Ruiz, J., Prieto Velasco, J.A., León Arauz, P., Márquez Linares, C. & Vega Expósito, M. (2006) Process-oriented terminology management in the domain of Coastal Engineering. Terminology, 12(2):189-213. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/term.12.2.03fab.  |
López Rodríguez, C.I., Faber, P. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2006) Terminología basada en el conocimiento para la traducción y la divulgación médicas: el caso de ONCOTERM. Panace@, VII(24):228-240.  |
López Rodríguez, C.I., Tercedor Sánchez, M. & Faber, P. (2006) Gestión terminológica basada en el conocimiento y generación de recursos de información sobre el cáncer: el proyecto Oncoterm. Revista E Salud, 2(8).  |
Faber, P. & Márquez Linares, C. (2005) A three-level model of metaphor for specialized communication. In Translationswissenschaft im interdisziplinären Dialog, edited by Zybatow, L., pages 71-94. Peter Lang. |
Faber, P., Márquez Linares, C. & Vega Expósito, M. (2005) Framing Terminology: A process-oriented approach. Meta: Journal des traducteurs / Meta: Translators' Journal, 50(4). Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.  |
Faber, P. & Jiménez Hurtado, C. (2004) Traducción, lenguaje y cognición. Granada: Comares. |
Faber, P. & Márquez Linares, C. (2004) The role of imagery in specialised communication. Imagery in language, edited by Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. & Kwiatkowska, A., pages 585-602. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.  |
Faber, P. (2003) Terminological competence and enhanced knowledge acquisition. Research in Language, 1:95-116. Wydawnictwo: Uniwersytetu Lódzkiego.  |
Faber, P. (2002) Investigar en terminología. In Investigar en terminología, edited by Faber, P. & Jiménez Hurtado, C., pages 3-24. Granada: Comares. |
Faber, P. (2002) Oncoterm: sistema bilingüe de información y recursos oncológicos. In La traducción científico-técnica y la terminología en la sociedad de la información, edited by Alcina, A. & Gamero, S., pages 177-188. Castelló: Servicio de Publicaciones Universitat Jaume. |
Faber, P. (2002) Terminographic definition and concept representation. Training the Language Services Provider for the New Millennium, edited by Maia, B., Haller, J. & Ulyrich, M., pages 343-354. Porto: University of Oporto.  |
Faber, P. & Jiménez Hurtado, C. (2002) Investigar en terminología. Granada: Comares. |
Faber, P., López Rodríguez, C.I. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2001) Utilización de técnicas de corpus en la representación del conocimiento médico. Terminology, 7(2):167-198. John Benjamins Publishing Company.  |
Faber, P. & Márquez Linares, C.F. (2001) Design of a corpus-based vocabulary for teaching English in the primary school. Effective foreign language teaching at the primary level, edited by Jiménez Raya, M., Faber, P., Gewehr, W. & Peck, A.J. Foreign Language Teaching in Europe, 4:25-38. |
Faber, P. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2001) Codifying conceptual information in descriptive terminology management. Meta: Journal des traducteursMeta:/Translators' Journal, 46(1):192-204. Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.  |
Faber, P. & Pérez Hernández, C. (2000) Image schemata within the lexical field of visual perception in English and Spanish. In AEDEAN: select papers in language, literature and culture: proceedings of the 17th International Conference, pages 241-246. Vigo: Universidad de Vigo. |
Faber, P. (1999) Conceptual analysis and knowledge acquisition in scientific translation. Terminologie et traduction(2)pages 97-123. COMMUNAUTES EUROPEENNE.  |
Faber, P. (1999) Semantic prototypes and knowledge representation. In Estudios funcionales sobre léxico, sintaxis y traducción: un homenaje a Leocadio Martín Mingorance, pages 105-124. Cuenca: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. |
Faber, P. & Mairal Usón, R. (1999) Constructing a lexicon of English verbs. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. |
Pérez Hernández, C., Moreno Ortiz, A. & Faber, P. (1999) Lexicografía computacional y lexicografía de corpus. Revista española de lingüística aplicada, pages 175-213.  |
Faber, P. (1998) Translation competence and language awareness. Language Awareness, 7(1):9-21. Taylor & Francis. doi:10.1080/09658419808667097.  |
Faber, P. & Mairal Usón, R. (1998) Dominios y esquemas de predicado: hacia una productividad léxica. In Teoría del campo y semántica léxica, edited by Wotjak, G., pages 233-274. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.  |
Faber, P. & Mairal Usón, R. (1998) Methodological criteria for the elaboration of a functional lexicon-based grammar of the semantic domain of cognitive verbs. In The structure of the lexicon in Functional Grammar, edited by Olbertz, H., Hengeveld, K. & Sánchez García, J., pages 3-24. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. |
Faber, P. & Mairal Usón, R. (1998) Prototipos semánticos en el lexicón lexemático-funcional. In Estudios de tipología lingüística, edited by Luque Durán, J.D.D. & Pamies Bertrán, A., pages 15-36. Granada: Método.  |
Faber, P. & Mairal Usón, R. (1998) The paradigmatic and syntagmatic structure of the lexical field of FEELING. Cuadernos de investigación filológica, XXIII-XXIV:35-60. Universidad de La Rioja.  |
Faber, P. & Mairal Usón, R. (1998) Towards a semantic syntax. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 36:37-64.  |