Pilar León Araúz

Pilar León Araúz


Tenured Professor
(Profesora Titular de Universidad)
Department of Translation and Interpreting
University of Granada




Department of Translation and Interpreting
University of Granada
Calle Buensuceso, 11
18002 Granada (Spain)


(+34) 958 24 41 04



Academic data

Doctor in Translation and Interpreting (Doctora en Traducción e Interpretación) at the University of Granada, Spain.

BA in Translation and Interpreting (Licenciatura en Traducción e Interpretación) at the University of Granada, Spain.

BA (Hons) in Applied Modern Languages at the University of Northumbria, UK.

BA in Applied Foreign Languages (Maîtrise en Langues Étrangères Appliquées) at the University of Provence, France.

Research interests

Terminology, Cognitive Linguistics, Knowledge Representation, and Knowledge Extraction.



León-Araúz, P. & Cabezas-García, M. (2024) Evaluating a bracketing protocol for multiword terms. In Recent Advances in Multiword Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology, edited by Monti, J., Corpas Pastor, G., Mitkov, R. & Hidalgo-Ternero, C.M. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 366:79-102. John Benjamins. doi:https://doi.org/10.1075/cilt.366.05leoLink to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A., León-Araúz, P. & Cabezas-García, M. (2024) Phraseology and Culture in Terminological Knowledge Bases: The Case of Pollution and Environmental Law. Languages, 9(3). doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/languages9030084Link to this publication in PDF format


Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2023) Indirect translation and its influence on term variation: A pilot study on climate action. In Translation Spaces. doi:https://doi.org/10.1075/ts.22026.cabLink to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2023) La traducción automática en el aula de español para fines específicos: el caso de los términos compuestos. Hispania, 106(2):207-224Link to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2023) Machine versus corpus-based translation of multiword terms. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 38(Supplement 1):6-16. doi:https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqad026Link to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2023) Term and concept variation in climate change communication. The Translator. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/13556509.2023.2182168Link to this publication in PDF format


Bullón, S. & León-Araúz, P. (2022) Multi-word Term Translation: A Student-Centered Pilot Study. In Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology, edited by Mitkov, R. & Corpas Pastor, G. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 13528:47-61. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-15925-1Link to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2022) Méthodes d’exploitation des corpus pour la traduction de termes complexes. Meta, edited by Ji, M. & Oakes, M., 67(1):94-118. doi:https://doi.org/10.7202/1092192arLink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. (2022) Terminology and equivalence. In Theoretical Perspectives on Terminology: Explaining terms, concepts and specialized knowledge, edited by Faber, P. & L'Homme, M.C. Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 23:477-502. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/tlrp.23.22leoLink to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A., Trekker, C. & León-Araúz, P. (2022) Repérage automatisé de l’hyponymie dans des corpus spécialisés en français à l’aide de Sketch Engine. Terminology. doi:10.1075/term.20044.sanLink to this publication in PDF format


Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2021) Procedimiento para la traducción de términos poliléxicos con la ayuda de corpus. In Sistemas fraseológicos en contraste: Enfoques computacionales y de corpus, edited by Corpas Pastor, G., Bautista Zambrana, M.R. & Hidalgo-Ternero, C.M., pages 203-230. Granada: ComaresLink to this publication in PDF format
Chambó, S. & León-Araúz, P. (2021) Visualising Lexical Data for a Corpus-Driven Encyclopaedia. In Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of the eLex 2021 conference, edited by Kosem, I., Cukr, M., M., J., Kallas, J., Krek, S. & Tiberius, C., pages 29-55. Brno: Lexical ComputingLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2021) Designing Terminology Resources for Environmental Translation. In The Oxford Handbook of Translation and Social Practices, edited by Meng Ji, C. & Laviosa, S., pages 587-616. New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190067205.013.7Link to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P., Cabezas-García, M. & Faber, P. (2021) Multiword-term bracketing and representation in terminological knowledge bases. In Seventh Biennial Conference on Electronic Lexicography, eLex 2021, pages 139-163. Brno: Lexical ComputingLink to this publication in PDF format


Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2020) Term variation in terminographic resources: a review and a proposal. In Proceedings of the XIX EURALEX International Congress. Lexicography for Inclusion, edited by Gavriilidou, Z., Mitsiaki, M. & Fliatouras, A., 1:405-414. Alexandroupolis: EuralexLink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. & Cabezas-García, M. (2020) Term and translation variation of multiword terms. MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, edited by Mogorrón Huerta, P.(Special Issue 6)pages 210-247. doi:10.6035/MonTI.2020.ne6.7Link to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P., Cabezas-García, M. & Reimerink, A. (2020) Representing Multiword Term Variation in a Terminological Knowledge Base: a Corpus-Based Study. In Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), pages 2351-2360. Marseille: ELRALink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2020) Translating environmental texts with EcoLexiCAT. In Translating and Communicating Environmental Cultures, edited by Ji, M. Routledge Studies in Empirical Translation and Multilingual Communication, pages 3-42. New York: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780429433498-110Link to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A., Cabezas-García, M., Buendía-Castro, M., Sánchez-Cárdenas, B., León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2020) Presente y futuro de la base de conocimiento terminológica EcoLexicon. Onomázein, 49:174-202. doi:10.7764/onomazein.49.09Link to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A., Trekker, C. & León-Araúz, P. (2020) Extraction of Hyponymic Relations in French with Knowledge-Pattern-Based Word Sketches. In Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, pages 5955-5963. Marseille, France: European Language Resources AssociationLink to this publication in PDF format


Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2019) On the Structural Disambiguation of Multi-word Terms. In Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology, edited by Corpas Pastor, G. & Mitkov, R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11755:46-60. Cham: Springer. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-30135-4_4Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & León-Aráuz, P. (2019) Frame-based terminology applied to military science: transforming a glossary into a knowledge resource. Lexicography. Berlin: Springer. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s40607-019-00060-yLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2019) Transforming glossaries into knowledge resources: frame-based terminology applied to military science. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography, edited by Gürlek, M., Çiçekler, A. & Tasdemir, Y., pages 412-438. Elazig: Asos PublisherLink to this publication in PDF format
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2019) Ontological Knowledge Enhancement in EcoLexicon. In Proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference: Electronic lexicography in the 21st century, edited by Kosem, I., Zingano-Kuhn, T., Correia, M., Ferreira, J.P., Jansen, M., Pereira, I., Kallas, J., Jakubíček, M., Krek, S. & Tiberius, C., pages 177-197. Brno: Lexical Computing CZ, s.r.oLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2019) EcoLexicon and by-products: integrating and reusing terminological resources. Terminology, edited by Alcina, A., Costa, R. & Roche, C. Special issue of Terminology and e-dictionaries, 25(2):222-258. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:doi.org/10.1075/term.00037.leoLink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2019) High-density knowledge rich contexts. Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(1):109-130Link to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2019) Assessing EcoLexiCAT: Terminology Enhancement and Post-editing. In Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: Smart lexicography. Proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference, edited by Kosem, I., Zingano Khun, T., Correia, M., Ferreira, J.P., Jansen, M., Pereira, I., Kallas, J., Jakubíček, M., Krek, S. & Tiberius, C., pages 130-160. Brno: Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o.Link to this publication in PDF format


Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2018) Towards the Inference of Semantic Relations in Complex Nominals: a Pilot Study. In Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018), edited by Calzolari, N., Choukri, K., Cieri, C., Declerck, T., Goggi, S., Hasida, K., Isahara, H., Maegaard, B., Mariani, J., Mazo, H., Moreno, A., Odijk, J., Piperidis, S. & Tokunaga, T., pages 2511-2518. Miyazaki, Japan: ELRALink to this publication in PDF format
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2018) Subtypes of Hyponymy in the Environmental Domain: Entities and Processes. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Terminology & Ontology: Theories and Applications (TOTh 2016), edited by Roche, C., pages 39-54. Chambéry: Éditions de l'Université Savoie Mont BlancLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2018) Evaluating EcoLexiCAT: a Terminology-Enhanced CAT Tool. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), edited by Calzolari, N., Choukri, K., Cieri, C., Declerck, T., Goggi, S., Hasida, K., Isahara, H., Maegaard, B., Mariani, J., Mazo, H., Moreno, A., Odijk, J., Piperidis, S. & Tokunaga, T.. Paris, France: European Language Resources Association (ELRA)Link to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2018) Improved Knowledge Rich Context Extraction for Terminography. In Technological Innovation for Specialized Linguistic Domains, edited by Read, T., Montaner, S. & Sedano, B., pages 69-84. Beau Bassin: Éditions universitaires européennes.
León-Araúz, P. & San Martín, A. (2018) The EcoLexicon Semantic Sketch Grammar: from Knowledge Patterns to Word Sketches. In Proceedings of the LREC 2018 Workshop “Globalex 2018 – Lexicography & WordNets”, edited by Kerneman, I. & Krek, S., pages 94-99. Miyazaki: GlobalexLink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P., San Martín, A. & Reimerink, A. (2018) The EcoLexicon English Corpus as an open corpus in Sketch Engine. In Proceedings of the 18th EURALEX International Congress, edited by Čibej, J., Gorjanc, V., Kosem, I. & Krek, S., pages 893-901. Ljubljana: EuralexLink to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A. & León-Araúz, P. (2018) Manzanilla: An Image Annotation Tool for TKB Building. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), edited by Calzolari, N., Choukri, K., Cieri, C., Declerck, T., Goggi, S., Hasida, K., Isahara, H., Maegaard, B., Mariani, J., Mazo, H., Moreno, A., Odijk, J., Piperidis, S. & Tokunaga, T.. Paris, France: European Language Resources Association (ELRA)Link to this publication in PDF format


Faber, P., Verdejo-Román, J., León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Guzmán Pérez-Carrillo, G. (2017) Specialized knowledge processing in the brain: an fMRI study. In Terminological Approaches in the European Context, edited by Faini, P., pages 168-182. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars PublishingLink to this publication in PDF format
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2017) Specifying Hyponymy Subtypes and Knowledge Patterns: A Corpus-based Study. In Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of eLex 2017 conference., edited by Kosem, I., Kallas, J., Tiberius, C., Krek, S., Jakubíček, M. & Baisa, V., pages 63-92. Brno: Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o.Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. (2017) Term and concept variation in specialized knowledge dynamics. In Multiple Perspectives on Terminological Variation, edited by Drouin, P., Francœur, A., Humbley, J. & Picton, A. Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 18:213-258. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/tlrp.18.09leoLink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2017) EcoLexiCAT: a Terminology-enhanced Translation Tool for Texts on the Environment. In Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of eLex 2017 conference, edited by Kosem, I., Kallas, J., Tiberius, C., Krek, S., Jakubíček, M. & Baisa, V., pages 321-341. Brno: Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o.Link to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A. & León-Araúz, P. (2017) Predicate-Argument Analysis to Build a Phraseology Module and to Increase Conceptual Relation Expressiveness. In Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology, edited by Mitkov, R. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 10596:176-190. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69805-2_13Link to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A., Cabezas-García, M., Buendía, M., Sánchez-Cárdenas, B., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2017) Recent Advances in EcoLexicon. Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America, 38(1):96-115Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format


Buendía Castro, M., León-Araúz, P. & Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2016) Categorías semánticas para describir estructuras argumentales en un ámbito de especialidad. In Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Nancy, 15-20 juillet 2013). Section 16 : Projets en cours ; ressources et outils nouveaux, ISBN 979-10-91460-32-3, edited by Trotter, D., Bozzi, A. & Fairon, C., pages 65-78. Nancy: ATILFLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2016) Bridging the Gap between Description and Standardization: a Frame-based Version of NATO Glossaries. In Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress. Lexicography and Linguistic Diversity, edited by Margalitadze, T. & Meladze, G., pages 499-508. Tbilisi: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University PressLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2016) Specialized knowledge representation and the parameterization of context. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(00196). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00196Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2016) EcoLexicon: new features and challenges. In GLOBALEX 2016: Lexicographic Resources for Human Language Technology in conjunction with the 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, edited by Kernerman, I., Kosem Trojina, I., Krek, S. & Trap-Jensen, L., pages 73-80. PortorožLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., Reimerink, A. & León-Araúz, P. (2016) Encoding Context in Bilingual Specialized Dictionaries. In Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress. Lexicography and Linguistic Diversity, edited by Margalitadze, T. & Meladze, G., pages 491-498. Tbilisi: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University PressLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2016) Evaluation of EcoLexicon Images. In Joint Second Workshop on Language and Ontology & Terminology and Knowledge Structures (LangOnto2 + TermiKS) in conjunction with the 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, edited by Khan, F., Vintar, S., León-Araúz, P., Faber, P., Frontini, F., Parvizi, A., Grčić Simeunović, L. & Unger, C., pages 16-22. PortorožLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2016) Multidimensional categorization in corpus-based hyponymic structures. In Corpus-based studies on language varieties, edited by Alonso Almeida, F., Cruz García, L. & González Ruiz, V. Linguistic Insights, 210:37-66. Bern: Peter LangLink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P., San Martín, A. & Faber, P. (2016) Pattern-based Word Sketches for the Extraction of Semantic Relations. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computational Terminology (Computerm2016), pages 73-82. Osaka, Japan: COLING 2016Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2016) Image selection and annotation for an environmental knowledge base. Language Resources and Evaluation, pages 1-32. doi:10.1007/s10579-016-9345-8Link to this publication in PDF format


León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2015) Fuertes-Olivera, Pedro A., and Sven Tarp. 2014. Theory and Practice of Specialised Online Dictionaries. Lexicography versus Terminography. Terminology, 21(1):126-136. doi:10.1075/term.21.1.06leoLink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. (2015) Term variation in the psychiatric domain: transparency and multidimensionality. In Word Formation and Transparency in Medical English, edited by ten Hacken, P. & Panocová, R., pages 33-54. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2015) Signs and Symptoms in the Psychiatric Domain: A Corpus Analysis. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, edited by Jiménez Carra, N., Calvo, E., Fernández-Quesada, N., López Márquez, A.M. & Stender, A. 32nd International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA): Language Industries and Social Change, 173:285-292. Elsevier. doi:doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.02.067Link to this publication in PDF format


Buendía Castro, M., Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & León Araúz, P. (2014) The role of conceptual categories for argument structure prediction. In Communication, Cognition and Cybernetics. Selected papers from the 31st International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), edited by Díaz Galán, A., Fumero Pérez, M.d.C., Lojendio Quintero, M.d.P., Burguess, S., Sosa Acevedo, E. & Cano Ginés, A., pages 879-903. La Laguna: Universidad de La Laguna.
Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2014) Representing environmental knowledge in EcoLexicon. In Languages for Specific Purposes in the Digital Era. Educational Linguistics, 19:267-301. SpringerLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2014) Specialized knowledge dynamics: From cognition to culture-bound terminology. In Dynamics and Terminology. An interdisciplinary perspective on monolingual and multilingual culture-bound communication, edited by Temmerman, R. & Van Campenhoudt, M. Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 16:135-158. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/tlrp.16.08fabLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., Verdejo, J., León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Guzmán, G. (2014) Neural Substrates of Specialized Knowledge Representation: An fMRI study. Revue fraçaise de linguistique appliquée, 19(1):15-32. Pub. linguistiquesLink to this publication in PDF format
Fernández Fernández, J. & León-Araúz, P. (2014) Traducir el cambio climático: la estructura conceptual de las palabras. In Translating Culture; Traduire la Culture; Traducir la Cultura. Vol 4 De barreras culturales en la traducción científica y técnica, edited by Martínez López, A.B., Jiménez Gutiérrez, I. & Martínez Robledo, M.I. Interlingua, 128:665-678. Granada: Comares.
León Aráuz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2014) From Term Dynamics to Concept Dynamics: Term Variation and Multidimensionality in the Psychiatric Domain. In Proceedings of the XVI EURALEX International Congress, edited by Andrea Abel, C.V. & Ralli, N., pages 657-667. Bolzano: EURALEXLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. (2014) Semantic Relations and Local Grammars for the Environment. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2013, edited by Joeva, S., Mesfar, S. & Silberztein, M., pages 87-102. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars PublishingLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2014) Context and Terminology in the Multilingual Semantic Web. In Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web, edited by Buitelaar, P. & Cimiano, P., pages 31-47. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-43585-4_3Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2014) Selection and annotation of images for specialized knowledge bases. In Communication, Cognition and Cybernetics. In Selected papers from the 31st International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), edited by Díaz Galán, A., Fumero Pérez, M.d.C., Lojendio Quintero, M.d.P., Burguess, S., Sosa Acevedo, E. & Cano Ginés, A., pages 584-600. La Laguna: Universidad de La Laguna.


León Arúz, P. & Faber, P. (2013) Environmental Ontology Localization and Translation Relations. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Environmental Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, EnviroInfo 2013, edited by Page, B., Fleischer, A., Göbel, J. & Wohlgemuth, V., pages 582-591. Shaker VerlagLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2013) Multidimensional and Multimodal Information in EcoLexicon. In Computational Linguistics, edited by Przepiórkowski, A., Piasecki, M., Jassem, K. & Fuglewicz, P. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 458:143-161. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-34399-5_8Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & García Aragón, A. (2013) Dynamism and context in specialized knowledge. Terminology, 19(1):31-61. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/term.19.1.02leoLink to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A. & León Araúz, P. (2013) Flexible Terminological Definitions and Conceptual Frames. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Definitions in Ontologies (DO 2013), edited by Seppälä, S. & Ruttenberg, A.. Montreal: Concordia University.


Bobillo, F., Gómez-Romero, J. & León Araúz, P. (2012) Fuzzy Ontologies for Specialized Knowledge Representation in WordNet. Advances on Computational Intelligence, edited by Greco, S., Bouchon-Meunier, B., Coletti, G., Fedrizzi, M. & Matarazzo, B.a.Y., 297:430-439Link to this publication in PDF format
León Aráuz, P., Faber, P. & Montero Martínez, S. (2012) Specialized Language Semantics. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:95-175. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2012) Causality in the Specialized Domain of the Environment. In Proceedings of the Workshop “Semantic Relations-II. Enhancing Resources and Applications” (LREC’12), edited by Mititelu, V.B., Popescu, O. & Pekar, V., pages 10-17. Istanbul: ELRALink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Gómez-Romero, J. & Bobillo, F. (2012) A Fuzzy Ontology Extension of WordNet and EuroWordnet for Specialized Knowledge. In Proceedings of the 10th Terminology and Knowledge Engineering Conference (TKE-2012). New frontiers in the constructive symbiosis of terminology and knowledge engineering, edited by Aguado de Cea, G., Suárez-Figueroa, M.C., García-Castro, R. & Montiel-Ponsoda, E., pages 139-154. MadridLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & San Martín, A. (2012) Multidimensional Categorization in Terminological Definitions. In Proceedings of the 15th EURALEX International Congress. Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld and Julie Matilde Torjusen, pages 578-584. Oslo: EURALEXLink to this publication in PDF format
León Arauz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2012) Conceptual Modelling Of Environmental Knowledge: Dynamism And Context. In Empiricism and analytical tools for 21 century applied linguistics: selected papers from the XXIX International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), pages 695-709Link to this publication in PDF format


Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2011) Formalizing Specialized Knowledge Events in Satellite Ontologies. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence, edited by Kageura, K. & Zweigenbaum, P., pages 101-107. ParisLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2011) Knowledge representation in EcoLexicon. Technological Innovation in the Teaching and Processing of LSPs: Proceedings of TISLID, edited by Talaván, N., Martín Monje, E. & Palazón, F., 10:367-385. Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educación a DistanciaLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Faber, P. & Magaña Redondo, P.J. (2011) Linking Domain-Specific Knowledge to Encyclopedic Knowledge: an Initial Approach to Linked Data. In 2nd Workshop on the Multilingual Semantic Web (The 10th International Semantic Web Conference), pages 68-73. BonnLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Magaña Redondo, P.J. & Faber, P. (2011) Integrating Environment into the Linked Data Cloud. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Environmental Informatics. EnviroInfo Ispra 2011, edited by Pillman, W., Schade, S. & Smits, P., pages 370-379. Shaker VerlagLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2011) EcoLexicon and FunGramKB: Applying COREL to Domain-Specific Knowledge. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, pages 138-142Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2011) Knowledge Extraction and Representation: the EcoLexicon Methodology. In Proceedings of the Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) 2011, edited by Hedeland, H., Thomas Schmidt, & Wörner, K., pages 215-218. Hamburg: Universität Hamburg.
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2011) Environmental knowledge in EcoLexicon. In Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics Applications Conference (CLA 2011), Jachranka, Poland, edited by Jassem, K., Fuglewicz, P. & Piasecki, M., pages 9-16. Jachranka (Poland)Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & San Martín, A. (2011) Distinguishing Polysemy from Contextual Variation in Terminological Definitions. In Actas del X Congreso de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Especíificos: La investigación y la enseñanza aplicadas a las lenguas de especialidad ya la tecnología, edited by Luisa Carrió, M., Contreras, J., Olmo, F., Skorczynska, H., Tamarit, I. & Westall, D., pages 173-186. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaLink to this publication in PDF format


Faber, P. & León Araúz, P. (2010) Dinamismo conceptual en las bases de conocimiento terminológico: el caso de EcoLexicon. Íkala, revista de lenguaje y cultura, 15(25):75-100Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., León Arauz, P. & Pérez Hernández, C. (2010) A Wine Dictionary For Non--drinkers: LSP Dictionary Functions. In Vino, lengua y traducción, edited by Rodríguez, M.I., 2:109-120. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio CientíficoLink to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C.I., Faber, P., León Arauz, P., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2010) La Terminología basada en marcos y su aplicación a las Ciencias Ambientales: los proyectos MARCOCOSTA y ECOSISTEMA. Arena Romanistica, 7(10):52-74Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2010) Natural and contextual constraints for domain-specific relations. In The Workshop Semantic Relations, Theory and Applications, edited by Barbu Mititelu, V. & Pekar, V., pages 12-17. Valletta, MaltaLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & Magaña Redondo, P. (2010) EcoLexicon: contextualizing an environmental ontology. In Proceedings of the terminology and knowledge engineering (TKE) conference, 2010:341-355. Dublin: Dublin City UniversityLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2010) Knowledge extraction and multidimensionality in the environmental domain. In Proceedings of the terminology and knowledge engineering (TKE) conference, 2010. Dublin: Dublin City UniversityLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & García Aragón, A. (2010) Context-based Modelling Of Specialized Knowledge. Information Technologies & Knowledge, 4(2):122Link to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A., León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2010) A Qualia-based description of specialized knowledge units in the lexical-constructional model. Terminàlia, 1:17-25Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A., León Araúz, P. & Magaña Redondo, P.J. (2010) EcoLexicon: An Environmental TKB. In Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’10), edited by Calzolari, i., Choukri, K., Maegaard, B., Mariani, J., Odijk, J., Piperidis, S., Rosner, M. & Tapias, D.. Valletta: European Language Resources Association (ELRA)Link to this publication in PDF format


Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) Semantic relations, dynamicity, and terminological knowledge bases. Current Issues in Language Studies, 1(1):1-23Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. (2009) Representación multidimensional del conocimiento especializado: el uso de marcos desde la macroestructura hasta la microestructura. PhD Thesis. University of Granada, Granada, SpainLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Magaña Redondo, P.J. & Faber, P. (2009) Managing inner and outer overinformation in Ecolexicon: An environmental ontology. In 8th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence. ToulouseLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Magaña, P. & Faber, P. (2009) Building the SISE: an environmental ontology. In Proceedings of the EU Conference, Towards eEnvironment, Opportunities of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe, edited by Hrebícek, J., Hradec, J., Pelikán, E., Mírovský, O., Pillmann, W., Holoubek, I. & Bandholtz, T., pages 16-23. Brno: Masaryk UniversityLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2009) Knowledge Extraction on Multidimensional Concepts: Corpus Pattern Analysis (CPA) and Concordances. In 8ème conférence internationale Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle. ToulouseLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2009) Puertoterm & Marcocosta: A Frame-based Knowledge Base for the Environmental Domain. Journal of Multicultural Communication, 1:47-70Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A., León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2009) A Qualia-based Description of Specialized Knowledge Units in the Lexical-Constructional Model. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon, pages 197-205. PisaLink to this publication in PDF format


Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2008) Semantic relations, dynamicity and terminological knowledge bases. In Proceedings of the XVIII FIT World Congress. Shanghai: Foreign Languages Press.
León Araúz, P. (2008) Representación multidimensional del conocimiento especializado. In Aproximaciones cognitivas al estudio de la traducción y la interpretación, edited by Fernández Sánchez, M.M. & Muñoz Martín, R., pages 205-258. Comares.
León Araúz, P., Faber, P. & Pérez Hernández, C. (2008) LSP dictionaries and their genuine purpose: a frame-based example from MARCOCOSTA. In Proceedings of the XIII EURALEX International Congress (Barcelona, 15-19 July 2008), edited by Bernal, E. & DeCesaris, J., pages 997-1006. Barcelona: Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) / Documenta UniversitariaLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2008) PUERTOTERM and MARCOCOSTA: a frame-based knowledge base for the environmental domain. In Proceedings of the XVIII FIT World Congress. Shanghai: Foreign Languages Press.


Faber, P., León Araúz, P., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Reimerink, A. (2007) Linking images and words: the description of specialized concepts. International Journal of Lexicography, 20(1):39-65. Oxford Univ Press. doi:10.1093/ijl/ecl038Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format


Faber, P., León Arauz, P., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Reimerink, A. (2006) Linking images and words: the description of specialized concepts. In Proceedings XII Euralex International Congress, edited by Corino, E., Carla, M. & Onesti, C., pages 751-763. Torino.
Faber, P., Montero Martínez, S., Castro Prieto, M.R., Senso Ruiz, J., Prieto Velasco, J.A., León Arauz, P., Márquez Linares, C. & Vega Expósito, M. (2006) Process-oriented terminology management in the domain of Coastal Engineering. Terminology, 12(2):189-213. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/term.12.2.03fabLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format

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