Juan Antonio Prieto Velasco

Juan Antonio Prieto Velasco


Tenured Professor (Profesor Titular de Universidad)
Department of Philology and Translation
University Pablo de Olavide, Seville




Department of Philology and Translation
University Pablo de Olavide, Seville
Carretera de Utrera, km 1
41013 Seville (Spain)
Office: 14.1.46


(+34) 954 97 79 94





Academic data

Doctor in Translation and Interpreting (Doctor en Traducción e Interpretación) at the University of Granada, Spain.

MA in Medical and Healthcare Translation (Máster Universitario en Traducción médico-sanitaria [Perfil investigador]) at University Jaume I, Castellón, Spain.

BA in Translation and Interpreting (Licenciatura en Traducción e Interpretación) at the University of Granada, Spain.

Research interests

Terminology, Specialized Knowledge Visualization, Multimodality, Specialized Translation, Semiotics, and Lexicography.

I am currently working on the research project VariMed, in which we are exploring terminological variation in the language of Medicine. In particular, I am interested in the visual representation of specialized knowledge in terminological databases from a multimodal perspective. The aim of this study is to provide a principled methodology to select or design images which are to be included in a terminographical resource for scientific research and popularisation of medicine. This way terminologistis will be able to coherently integrate images in term entries where other linguistic representations coexist (definitions, concordances, contexts, etc.). I am also studying, from a semantic viewpoint, how images can depict different variants of a single medical term by showing the cognitive (semantic) or communicative (pragmatic) aspects which often give rise to terminological variation.

Research stays

Embodied Cognition Lab, University of Manchester (United Kingdom). 3 months. 2013.


Facebook / Twitter: @japrietov / Google Scholar Citations / LinkedIn / Academia / ResearchGate



Prieto-Velasco, J.A. & Fuentes-Luque, A. (2018) A collaborative multimodal working environment for the development of instrumental and professional competences of student translators: an innovative teaching experience. In Situated Learning in Translator and Interpreter Training: Bridging research and good practice, edited by Gonzalez-Davies, M. & Enríquez Raído, V.. London: RoutledgeLink to this publication in PDF format
Prieto-Velasco, J.A. & Montalt-Resurrecció, V. (2018) Encouraging legibility and comprehensibility through multimodal patient information guides. Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series. Themes in Translation Studies, 17:196-214Link to this publication in PDF format


Prieto-Velasco, J.A. (2017) Recepción y percepción de las imágenes en textos médicos para pacientes: estudio experimental sobre la repulsión. Panace@: Revista de Medicina, Lenguaje y Traducción, 18(45):50-60Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto-Velasco, J.A. & Fuentes-Luque, A. (2017) A collaborative multimodal working environment for the development of instrumental and professional competences of student translators: an innovative teaching experience. In Situated Learning in Translator and Interpreter Training: Bridging research and good practice, edited by Gonzalez-Davies, M. & Enríquez Raído, V.. London: RoutledgeLink to this publication in PDF format


Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2016) Depicting Specialized Concepts: Strategies for the Visualization of Terminological Knowledge. In Verbal and Nonverbal Representation in Terminology. Proceedings of the TOTh Workshop 2013 – Copenhagen – 8 November 2013 / La Représentation Verbale et Non-verbale en Terminologie. Actes de la Journée d'étude TOTh 2013 – Copenhague – 8 novembre 2013, edited by Lervad, S., Flemestad, P. & Weilgaard Christensen, L., pages 37-50. Copenhagen: DNRF’s Centre for Textile Research & Institut Porphyre, Savoir et Connaissance.
Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Fuentes Luque, A. (2016) A collaborative multimodal working environment for the development of instrumental and professional competences of student translators: an innovative teaching experience. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 0(0):1-16. doi:10.1080/1750399X.2016.1154344Link to this publication in PDF format


Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2015) Representación gráfica de conceptos médicos: estudio de caso de la guía para pacientes Efectos secundarios del Taxol® (paclitaxel). MA Thesis. University Jaume I, Castellón, SpainLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format


López Rodríguez, C.I. & Prieto-Velasco, J.A. (2014) Comunicación y ciudadanía europea (inglés-español): recursos multimodales para el medio ambiente y el fomento de la salud. In Actas del I Seminario Iberoamericano de Innovación Docente de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. ISBN: 84-697-2223-9Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2014) Corpus strategies for multimodal text analysis in knowledge-based terminological base. In Specialisation and Variation in Language Corpora, edited by Díaz-Negrillo, A. & Díaz-Pérez, F.J. Linguistic Insights, 179:105-134. Bern (i.a.): Peter Lang.
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2014) The depiction of terminological variation in medical images: Can you see the difference?. In Languages for Special Purposes in a Multilingual, Transcultural World, Proceedings of the 19th European Symposium on Languages for Special Purposes, edited by Budin, G. & Lušicky, V., pages 74-80. Vienna (Austria): University of Vienna. doi:978-3-200-03674-1Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2014) Visualización de conceptos vitivinícolas: la terminología en la D.O. Montilla-Moriles. Terminología y comunicación científica y social, edited by Roldán Vendrell, M., pages 181-203. Granada: Comares.
Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2014) La naturaleza situada de los conceptos médicos: por una representación multimodal del dolor. In TIC, trabajo colaborativo e interacción en Terminología y Traducción, edited by Vargas Sierra, C., pages 575-590. Granada: ComaresLink to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2014) The embodied nature of medical concepts: image schemas and language for pain. Cognitive processing, 15(3):283-296. SpringerLink to this publication in PDF format
Prieto-Velasco, J.A. & Fuentes-Luque, A. (2014) Entornos multimodales de trabajo colaborativo para el desarrollo de la competencia instrumental-profesional de los traductores en formación. In Actas del I Seminario Iberoamericano de Innovación Docente de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. ISBN: 84-697-2223-9Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M., López Rodríguez, C.I. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2014) También los pacientes hacen terminología: retos del proyecto VariMed. Panace@: revista de Medicina, Lenguaje y Traducción, 25(39):95-103Link to this publication in PDF format


López Rodríguez, C.I., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2013) Multimodal representation of specialized knowledge in ontology-based terminological databases: the case of EcoLexicon. The Journal of Specialized Translation, 20:49-67.
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2013) A corpus-based approach to the multimodal analysis of specialized knowledge. Language Resources and Evaluation, 47(2):399-423. Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/s10579-012-9204-1Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A., Tercedor Sánchez, M. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2013) La multidimensionalidad conceptual en la traducción médica. Skopos. Revista Internacional de Traducción e Interpretación, 2:167-183Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2013) Las barreras en la comunicación médico-paciente: el proyecto VARIMED. Translating Culture; Traduire la Culture; Traducir la Cultura: De barreras culturales en la traducción científica y técnica, edited by Martínez López, A.B., Jiménez Gutiérrez, I. & Martínez Robledo, M.I., pages 593-606. Granada: Comares.


Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2012) Cognitive Explorations of Translation. Londres-Nueva York: Continuum, Continuum Studies in Translation, 256 pp. Sendebar, edited by O’Brien, S., 23(0)Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2012) La implantación de los nuevos títulos de Grado en Traducción e Interpretación en la universidad española. In Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación: Perspectivas transversales, edited by Ordóñez López, P. & Conde, T., 1:251-262. Castelló: Universitat Jaume ILink to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Faber, P. (2012) Graphical information. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:225-248. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Tercedor Sánchez, M., Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2012) Grasping metaphoric and metonymic processes in terminology. The Journal of Specialised Translation, pages 187-205.


Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2011) La multimodalidad como aproximación didáctica para la adquisición de lenguajes de especialidad: Ecolexicon y la lengua del medioambiente. In XII Ciclo de conferencias sobre adquisición y uso de segundas lenguas. In XII Ciclo de conferencias sobre adquisición y uso de segundas lenguas “Nuevas tendencias en la enseñanza/aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras”. Sevilla: Universidad Pablo de OlavideLink to this publication in PDF format


López Rodríguez, C.I., Faber, P., León Arauz, P., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2010) La Terminología basada en marcos y su aplicación a las Ciencias Ambientales: los proyectos MARCOCOSTA y ECOSISTEMA. Arena Romanistica, 7(10):52-74Link to this publication in PDF format


Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) Semantic relations, dynamicity, and terminological knowledge bases. Current Issues in Language Studies, 1(1):1-23Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C., Prieto Velasco, J. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2009) Sharing environmental information through multilingual terminological and multimedia resources: the role of accessibility in increasing public awareness towards sustainable growth. Proceedings of TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT (Challenges of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe). Brno (República Checa): Masaryk University, edited by Hrebícek, J., Hradec, J., Pelikán, E., Mírovský, O., Pillmann, W., Holoubek, I. & Bandholtz, T., pages 25-27. Brno: Masaryk UniversityLink to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) Depicting specialized language: in search of a grammar of illustrations for scientific and technical texts. In Current Issues in Language Studies, 1:41-65Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) La accesibilidad como competencia del traductor: propuesta de actividades para el aprendizaje autónomo. In Sendebar, 20:201-230.
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) The study of graphic information in specialized texts through corpus analysis tools. In International Journal of Translation, 21(1-2):149-167.
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) To see or not to see: concept visualization in terminological knowledge bases. In 8th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence, pages 220-4. ToulouseLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) Traducción e imagen: la información visual en textos especializados. Granada: Tragacanto.
Prieto Velasco, J.A. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2009) Managing graphic information in terminological knowledge bases. Terminology, 15(2):179-213. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/term.15.2.02priLink to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M., Alarcón Navío, E., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2009) Images as part of technical translation courses: implications and applications. Journal of Specialised translation, 11:143-168Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) Aprender con imágenes. Materiales multimedia para todos: inclusión y accesibilidad en educación, edited by Tercedor Sánchez, M., pages 67-86. Granada: Tragacanto.


Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2008) Semantic relations, dynamicity and terminological knowledge bases. In Proceedings of the XVIII FIT World Congress. Shanghai: Foreign Languages Press.
López Rodríguez, C.I. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2008) Construcción de material audiovisual accesible en el aula de traducción para sensibilizar a futuros traductores. In Accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales para personas con discapacidad AMADIS '08, pages 163-178. Madrid: Real Patronato sobre DiscapacidadLink to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2008) Información gráfica y grados de especialidad en el discurso científico-técnico: un estudio de corpus. PhD Thesis. Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain. Best Arts and Humanities PhD Thesis Award 2007-08Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format


Faber, P., León Araúz, P., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Reimerink, A. (2007) Linking images and words: the description of specialized concepts. International Journal of Lexicography, 20(1):39-65. Oxford Univ Press. doi:10.1093/ijl/ecl038Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A., Tercedor Sánchez, M. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2007) Using multimedia materials in the teaching of scientific and technical translation. Linguistica Antverpiensia, 6:115-134Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format


Faber, P., León Arauz, P., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Reimerink, A. (2006) Linking images and words: the description of specialized concepts. In Proceedings XII Euralex International Congress, edited by Corino, E., Carla, M. & Onesti, C., pages 751-763. Torino.
Faber, P., Montero Martínez, S., Castro Prieto, M.R., Senso Ruiz, J., Prieto Velasco, J.A., León Arauz, P., Márquez Linares, C. & Vega Expósito, M. (2006) Process-oriented terminology management in the domain of Coastal Engineering. Terminology, 12(2):189-213. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/term.12.2.03fabLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M., López Rodríguez, C.I. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2006) Accesibilidad web a través de la descripción de imágenes. In Accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales para personas con discapacidad, pages 73-82. Madrid: Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad.

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