

Buendía-Castro, M. (2024) Lexical Domains in the Field of Adventure Tourism. In Exploring the Language of Adventure Tourism: A Corpus-Assisted Approach, edited by Durán-Muñoz, I. & Jiménez-Navarro, E.L., pages 19-34. Berlín: Peter LangLink to this publication in PDF format
Buendía-Castro, M. (2024) English school science dictionaries: a comparative analysis. Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America, 45(1):105-140. doi:
Cabezas-García, M. (2024) The Pragmatics of Multiword Terms: The Impact of Context. New York and London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/ 9781003390091Link to this publication in PDF format
Haddad Haddad, A. & Montero-Martínez, S. (2024) La terminología sobre el cambio climático: ¿Falsos amigos o nuevas metáforas en español?. In La traducción y la interpretación en tiempos de pandemia, edited by Balbuena Torezano, M.d.C., 6:217-233. Peter LangLink to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A., León-Araúz, P. & Cabezas-García, M. (2024) Phraseology and Culture in Terminological Knowledge Bases: The Case of Pollution and Environmental Law. Languages, 9(3). doi: to this publication in PDF format


Buendía Castro, M. (2023) Dictionary Use by Trainee Translators. In International Journal of Lexicography, 36(4):510-527. doi:
Buendía Castro, M. & Afitska, O. (2023) Primary School Pupils' Use of Verb Collocations in Science Assessment: Patterns of Linguistic Behaviour by Language Background Factor. In Education Sciences, 13(12):1208. doi:
Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2023) Machine versus corpus-based translation of multiword terms. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 38(Supplement 1):6-16. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2023) Indirect translation and its influence on term variation: A pilot study on climate action. In Translation Spaces. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2023) Term and concept variation in climate change communication. The Translator. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2023) La traducción automática en el aula de español para fines específicos: el caso de los términos compuestos. Hispania, 106(2):207-224Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. (2023) Los diccionarios terminológicos. In Lexicografía hispánica. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Lexicography., edited by Torner, S., Battaner, P. & Renau, I. Routledge Spanish Language Handbooks, pages 565-586. London: Routledge. doi:
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C. & Cabezas-García, M. (2023) A terminological template for describing and representing hyponymic information. In La traducción en la encrucijada interdisciplinar. Temas actuales de traducción especializada, docencia, transcreación y terminología, edited by Vargas Sierra, C. & Sánchez Fajardo, J.A., pages 555-589. Tirant lo BlanchLink to this publication in PDF format
Haddad Haddad, A. (2023) La metáfora y su traducción del inglés al árabe: estudio terminológico en el dominio del cambio climático. PhD Thesis. Universidad de Granada, GranadaLink to this publication in PDF format
Haddad Haddad, A., Premasiri, D., Ranasinghe, T. & Mitkov, R. (2023) Deep Learning Methods for Extracting Metaphorical Names of Flowers and Plants. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural(71)pages 261-271. doi:10.26342/2023-71-20Link to this publication in PDF format
Mairal-Usón, R. & Faber, P. (2023) A Conceptually Oriented Approach to Semantic Decomposition in RRG. In The Cambridge Handbook of Role and Reference Grammar, edited by Bentley, D., Mairal Usón, R., Nakamura, W. & Van Valin, J. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics, pages 218-241. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:doi:10.1017/9781316418086Link to this publication in PDF format
Premasiri, D., Haddad, A.H., Ranasinghe, T. & Mitkov, R. (2023) Deep Learning Methods for Identification of Multiword Flower and Plant Names. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, pages 879-887.
Rodríguez Peláez, E. & Sánchez-Cárdenas, B. (2023) Le storytelling derrière la brièveté des gros titres espagnols sur les “gilets jaunes”. Anales de Filología Francesa(31)pages 859-873. doi:10.6018/analesff.571421Link to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A., Trekker, C. & Díaz-Bautista, J.C. (2023) Extracting the Agent-Patient Relation from Corpus With Word Sketches. In Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge, pages 666-675. Vienna: NOVA CLUNLLink to this publication in PDF format


Bullón, S. & León-Araúz, P. (2022) Multi-word Term Translation: A Student-Centered Pilot Study. In Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology, edited by Mitkov, R. & Corpas Pastor, G. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 13528:47-61. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-15925-1Link to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. (2022) Terminology Management in Specialized Translation. Caduceus: Publication of the Medical Division of the American Translators Association, edited by Boscor, A., Valencia, L.M. & Saebi, Y.(2021-2022 WINTER)pages 8-13. Medical Division of the American Translators AssociationLink to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2022) Méthodes d’exploitation des corpus pour la traduction de termes complexes. Meta, edited by Ji, M. & Oakes, M., 67(1):94-118. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & Reimerink, A. (2022) Cultural Context and Multimodal Knowledge Representation: Seeing the Forest for the Trees. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:1-16. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. (2022) Frame-based Terminology. In Theoretical Perspectives on Terminology: Explaining terms, concepts and specialized knowledge, edited by Faber, P. & L´Homme, M.C. Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 23:353-376. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & L´Homme, M.C. (2022) Theoretical Perspectives on Terminology: An Introduction. In Theoretical Perspectives on Terminology: Explaining terms, concepts and specialized knowledge, edited by Faber, P. & L´Homme, M.C. Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 23:1-12. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & L´Homme, M.C. (2022) Theoretical Perspectives on Terminology: Explaining terms, concepts and specialized knowledge. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Haddad Haddad, A. (2022) Image Schemas and Image Schematic Complexes: Enhancing Neural Machine Translation Networks. In Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology, edited by Corpas Pastor, G. & Mitkov, R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13528:105-115. Springer International Publishing. doi:
Haddad Haddad, A. (2022) False friends in scientific and technical language: a corpus-based study in climate change discourse. In Investigaciones de nuevo cuño en la Academia, edited by Curto Rodríguez, E. & Torres Valdés, R.M. Colección Nueva Academia(26)pages 297-312. Navarra: Thomson Reuters Aranzadi.
Haddad Haddad, A. (2022) COVID-19 neologisms between metaphor and culture: A multilingual corpus-based study. In Science Communication in Times of Crisis, edited by Hohaus, P. Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 96:91-118. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/dapsac.96.05hadLink to this publication in PDF format
Haddad Haddad, A. & Montero-Martínez, S. (2022) La metáfora en la terminología inglés-árabe sobre el cambio climático. Hermēneus. Revista de Traducción e Interpretación, 23(2021):307-336. doi: to this publication in PDF format
L'Homme, M.C., Marshman, E. & San Martín, A. (2022) Environment terms and translation students. A reading based on Frame Semantics. Babel, 68(1):55-85. doi:10.1075/babel.00254.lhoLink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. (2022) Terminology and equivalence. In Theoretical Perspectives on Terminology: Explaining terms, concepts and specialized knowledge, edited by Faber, P. & L'Homme, M.C. Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 23:477-502. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/tlrp.23.22leoLink to this publication in PDF format
Premasiri, D., Haddad Haddad, A., Ranasinghe, T. & Mitkov, R. (2022) Transformer-based Detection of Multiword Expressions in Flower and Plant Names. In Proceedings of the International Conference EUROPHRAS 2022, edited by Corpas Pastor, G., Kunilovskaya, M., Caro Quintana, R. & Mitkov, R. Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology, pages 173-181. Málaga. doi:10.26615/978-954-452-080-9_021.
Sánchez-Cárdenas, B. (2022) Le syntagme verbal en français. Paradigmes, analyses et représentations. Serie Estudios Franceses-Lingüística, Editorial Comares.
San Martín, A. (2022) A Flexible Approach to Terminological Definitions: Representing Thematic Variation. International Journal of Lexicography, 35(1):53-74. doi:10.1093/ijl/ecab013Link to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A., Trekker, C. & León-Araúz, P. (2022) Repérage automatisé de l’hyponymie dans des corpus spécialisés en français à l’aide de Sketch Engine. Terminology. doi:10.1075/term.20044.sanLink to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A. (2022) Contextual Constraints in Terminological Definitions. Frontiers in Communication, 7. doi:10.3389/fcomm.2022.885283Link to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. & Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, F.J. (2022) Conceptual metaphors. In Theoretical Perspectives on Terminology: Explaining Terms, Concepts and Specialized Knowledge, edited by Faber, P. & L'Homme, M.C. Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 23:377-396. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/tlrp.23.17gomLink to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. & Ureña Gómez-Moreno, P. (2022) Teaching English to first-year Translation and Interpreting students through terminological metaphors and metonymies. In Investigación e Innovación en Lengua Extranjera: Una Perspectiva Global, edited by Ruiz Cecilia, R. & Guijarro Ojeda, J.R. Plural, pages 824-851. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch (Tirant Humanidades)Link to this publication in PDF format


Buendía-Castro, M. (2021) Verb collocations in dictionaries and corpus: an integrated approach for translation purposes. Berlín: Peter Lang.
Cabezas-García, M. (2021) Managing Corporate Terminology as an Internationalization Strategy: An Overview. In Innovative Perspectives on Corporate Communication in the Global World, edited by Olvera-Lobo, M.D., Gutiérrez-Artacho, J., Rivera-Trigueros, I. & Díaz-Millón, M., pages 39-61. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-6799-9.ch003Link to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. (2021) Metodología para la traducción de términos compuestos mediante corpus. Mutatis Mutandis, 14(2):451-468. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. (2021) Fertilidad léxica en la formación de términos compuestos. Pragmalingüística, 29:60-79. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. (2021) Analyzing multiword term formation as a means to facilitate translation. In Corpus Exploration of Lexis and Discourse in Translation, edited by Ji, M. & Oakes, M.P. Routledge Studies in Empirical Translation and Multilingual Communication. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003102694-5Link to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. (2021) The use of context in multiword-term translation. Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & Chambó, S. (2021) Multi-word term variation: prepositional and adjectival complex nominals in Spanish. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 34(2):402-434Link to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2021) Procedimiento para la traducción de términos poliléxicos con la ayuda de corpus. In Sistemas fraseológicos en contraste: Enfoques computacionales y de corpus, edited by Corpas Pastor, G., Bautista Zambrana, M.R. & Hidalgo-Ternero, C.M., pages 203-230. Granada: ComaresLink to this publication in PDF format
Chambó, S. & León-Araúz, P. (2021) Visualising Lexical Data for a Corpus-Driven Encyclopaedia. In Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of the eLex 2021 conference, edited by Kosem, I., Cukr, M., M., J., Kallas, J., Krek, S. & Tiberius, C., pages 29-55. Brno: Lexical ComputingLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2021) Designing Terminology Resources for Environmental Translation. In The Oxford Handbook of Translation and Social Practices, edited by Meng Ji, C. & Laviosa, S., pages 587-616. New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190067205.013.7Link to this publication in PDF format
Láinez Ramos-Bossini, A.J. & Tercedor, M. (2021) Lenguaje y emoción. Estudio basado en corpus de foros de debate sobre salud mental.. In Nuevos retos y perspectivas de la investigación en literatura, lingüística y traducción., edited by Flores Borjabad, S.A. & Pérez Cabaña, R., pages 1712-1737. Madrid.: DykinsonLink to this publication in PDF format
López-Rodríguez, C.I. & Sánchez-Cárdenas, B. (2021) Theory and Digital Resources for the English-Spanish Medical Translation Industry. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang. doi: to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P., Cabezas-García, M. & Faber, P. (2021) Multiword-term bracketing and representation in terminological knowledge bases. In Seventh Biennial Conference on Electronic Lexicography, eLex 2021, pages 139-163. Brno: Lexical ComputingLink to this publication in PDF format
Mairal-Usón, R. & Faber, P. (2021) Rutas del Acceso al Léxico en un Entorno Lexicográfico. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 16:63-79. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Ortega Martínez, C., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2021) Multimodality in Terminological Knowledge Bases: Knowledge Representation through Graphical Information. In En más de un sentido: Multimodalidad y construcción de significados en traducción e interpretación, edited by Martín de León, C. & Marcelo Wirnitzer, G. TIBÓN: Estudios Traductológicos, 3:101-117. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica. doi:
Reimerink, A. (2021) Pollution in Environmental Law: Comparative Corpus Analysis. International Journal of Lexicography, ecab027. doi:
Sánchez-Cárdenas, B. (2021) La singularité quantificative du verbe ''dénombrer''. The French Review, 94(4):89-111. Johns Hopkins University Press. doi:10.1353/tfr.2021.0097Link to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez-Cárdenas, B. & Frérot, C. (2021) Vers un modèle d’analyse des verbes semi-spécialisés. Le cas de ''traiter''/''treat'' dans les domaines médical et environnemental. In Des corpus numériques à l’analyse linguistique en langues de spécialité, edited by Frérot, C. & Pecman, M. Collection Langues, gestes, parole, pages 207-238. UGA ÉditionsLink to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A. & Trekker, C. (2021) Adapting word sketches for specialized knowledge extraction. In 14th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography (ASIALEX 2021), pages 64-87. Jakarta: ASIALEXLink to this publication in PDF format


Buendía-Castro, M. (2020) Bilingual and multilingual online environmental knowledge resources: a comparative study for translation purposes. International Journal of Lexicography, pages 40-72. doi:10.1093/ijl/ecz022.
Buendía-Castro, M. (2020) Un estudio de caso sobre el uso de las colocaciones verbales en estudiantes de inglés de nivel avanzado. In La lingüística de corpus aplicada al desarrollo de la competencia tecnológica en los estudios de traducción e interpretación y la enseñanza de segundas lenguas, edited by Seghiri, M., pages 205-225. Berlín: Peter Lang.
Buendía-Castro, M. (2020) La fraseología en lexicografía y terminografía: Aplicaciones a la Traducción. Granada: Comares.
Cabezas García, M. (2020) Los términos compuestos desde la Terminología y la Traducción. Berlin: Peter Lang. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2020) Term variation in terminographic resources: a review and a proposal. In Proceedings of the XIX EURALEX International Congress. Lexicography for Inclusion, edited by Gavriilidou, Z., Mitsiaki, M. & Fliatouras, A., 1:405-414. Alexandroupolis: EuralexLink to this publication in PDF format
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C. (2020) Attribute-based Approach to Hyponymic Behavior in Botanical Terminology. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Terminology & Ontology: Theories and Applications (TOTh 2019), edited by Roche, C. Terminologica, pages 93-108. Chambéry: Éditions de l'Université de Savoie Mont BlancLink to this publication in PDF format
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C. (2020) La transcreación en la localización de videojuegos: la traducción del humor en Undertale y Deltarune. In Nuevas tendencias en Traducción e Interpretación: Enseñar, aprender e investigar en la Revolución Digital, edited by Martínez Martínez, S. Interlingua 260, pages 149-167. Granada: ComaresLink to this publication in PDF format
Haddad Haddad, A. (2020) Climate change neologisms: a case of direct translation in an English-Arabic corpus. In Análisis del Discurso en la Era Digital: Una Recopilación de Casos de Estudio, edited by Belda-Medina, J. & Casañ-Pitarach, R., pages 91-102. Granada: Comares.
Haddad Haddad, A. & Montero-Martínez, S. (2020) COVID-19: a metaphor-based neologism and its translation into Arabic. Journal of Science Communication (JCOM), 19(05):1-21. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Haddad Haddad, A. & Montero-Martínez, S. (2020) El ‘Blanqueo del Coral’ Proyección léxico-conceptual en inglés y árabe. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 33(2):443-474. doi:
Láinez Ramos-Bossini, A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2020) E-patients in Oncology: a corpus-based characterization of medical terminology in an online cancer forum. Ibérica.
López Rodríguez, C.I. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2020) El sonido de las emociones: aproximación intersemiótica al subtitulado accesible de Roma por parte de traductores. In Nuevas tendencias en Traducción e Interpretación. Enseñar, aprender e investigar en la revolución digital, edited by Martínez, S., pages 29-49. Granada: Comares.
López-Rodríguez, C. (2020) Marcos predicativos asociados al concepto SIGNO Y SÍNTOMA en textos sobre medicina en español. Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, 53(103):392-418. doi:10.4067/S0718-09342020000200392Link to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. & Cabezas-García, M. (2020) Term and translation variation of multiword terms. MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, edited by Mogorrón Huerta, P.(Special Issue 6)pages 210-247. doi:10.6035/MonTI.2020.ne6.7Link to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P., Cabezas-García, M. & Reimerink, A. (2020) Representing Multiword Term Variation in a Terminological Knowledge Base: a Corpus-Based Study. In Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020), pages 2351-2360. Marseille: ELRALink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2020) Translating environmental texts with EcoLexiCAT. In Translating and Communicating Environmental Cultures, edited by Ji, M. Routledge Studies in Empirical Translation and Multilingual Communication, pages 3-42. New York: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780429433498-110Link to this publication in PDF format
Mairal-Usón, R. & Faber, P. (2020) Linguistic research in the 21st century. Looking beyond. In Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer: Employability, Internationalisation and Social Challenges, edited by Valle, A.B., pages 25-51. Bern: Peter Lang.
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2020) Retos de la traducción científico-técnica profesional. Teoría, metodología y recursos. ISBN 978-84-9045-886-0. Serie Interlingua, Editorial ComaresLink to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A., Cabezas-García, M., Buendía-Castro, M., Sánchez-Cárdenas, B., León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2020) Presente y futuro de la base de conocimiento terminológica EcoLexicon. Onomázein, 49:174-202. doi:10.7764/onomazein.49.09Link to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A., Trekker, C. & León-Araúz, P. (2020) Extraction of Hyponymic Relations in French with Knowledge-Pattern-Based Word Sketches. In Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, pages 5955-5963. Marseille, France: European Language Resources AssociationLink to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. & Láinez Ramos-Bossini, A. (2020) Resemblance metaphors and embodiment as iconic markers in medical understanding and communication by non-experts. In Operationalizing iconicity., edited by Perniss, P. & Ljungberg, C. Iconicity in Language and LIterature, 17:265-289. John Benjamins. doi:
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2020) Book review of ''Bolognesi, Brdar and Despot (Eds.). Metaphor and Metonymy in the Digital Age. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins''. Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 18(2):576-589. John Benjamins. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2020) Exploiting the combinatorial potential of words in English language teaching for Translation and Interpreting freshmen. In Nuevas Lecturas Docentes, edited by Domínguez-Romero, E. & Trigo Ibáñez, E. Ciencias de la Comunicación, pages 443-454. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch (Tirant Humanidades)Link to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2020) Motivational tasks for Translation and Interpreting freshmen in a university English language teaching environment. In Experiencias en Contenidos Curriculares Docentes, edited by Medina-Sánchez, L., Pérez-Valverde, C. & Suárez-Hernán, C. Ciencias de la Comunicación, pages 485-496. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch (Tirant Humanidades)Link to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2020) Non-verbal and multimodal metaphors bring biology into the picture. In How Metaphors Guide, Teach and Popularize Science, edited by Beger, A. & Smith, T.H. Figurative Thought and Language, 6:175-208. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/ftl.6.06gomLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. & Faber, P. (2020) What the analysis of extended meaning of terms can reveal about verb semantic frame structure. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 40(1):1-21. doi:10.1080/07268602.2019.1690423Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format


Cabezas-García, M. (2019) Los compuestos nominales en terminología: formación, traducción y representación. PhD Thesis. Universidad de Granada, GranadaLink to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & Faber, P. (2019) Semantic prosody and semantic preference in multi-word terms. Fachsprache, 41(1-2):2-21. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2019) On the Structural Disambiguation of Multi-word Terms. In Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology, edited by Corpas Pastor, G. & Mitkov, R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11755:46-60. Cham: Springer. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & Cabezas-García, M. (2019) Specialized Knowledge Representation: From Terms to Frames. Research in Language, 17(2):197-211. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & León-Aráuz, P. (2019) Frame-based terminology applied to military science: transforming a glossary into a knowledge resource. Lexicography. Berlin: Springer. doi: to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2019) Transforming glossaries into knowledge resources: frame-based terminology applied to military science. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography, edited by Gürlek, M., Çiçekler, A. & Tasdemir, Y., pages 412-438. Elazig: Asos PublisherLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & Montero-Martínez, S. (2019) Terminology. In The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Translation Studies, edited by Valdeón, R.A. & Vidal, &.. London: RoutledgeLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & Reimerink, A. (2019) Framing terminology in legal translation. International Journal of Legal Discourse, 4(1):15-46. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Fernández Silva, S. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2019) El desarrollo de la competencia sobre variación terminológica en estudiantes de traducción e interpretación. Una experiencia de colaboración interuniversitaria. In RLA, 57(2):137-163.
Fernández-Martínez, N.J. & Faber, P. (2019) Who stole what from whom? A corpus-based, cross-linguistic study of English and Spanish verbs of stealing. Languages in Contrast. John Benjamins. doi:DOI: 10.1075/lic.19002.ferLink to this publication in PDF format
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2019) Ontological Knowledge Enhancement in EcoLexicon. In Proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference: Electronic lexicography in the 21st century, edited by Kosem, I., Zingano-Kuhn, T., Correia, M., Ferreira, J.P., Jansen, M., Pereira, I., Kallas, J., Jakubíček, M., Krek, S. & Tiberius, C., pages 177-197. Brno: Lexical Computing CZ, s.r.oLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Haddad Haddad, A. & Montero Martínez, S. (2019) ''Radiative Forcing'' Metaphor: An English-Arabic Terminological and Cultural Case Study. International Journal of Arabic-English Studies, 19(1):139-158Link to this publication in PDF format
Haddad Haddad, A. & Montero-Martínez, S. (2019) The ‘Carbon Capture’ Metaphor: An English-Arabic Terminological Case Study. Languages, 4(77):35-48. doi:
Haddad Haddad, A. & Montero-Martínez, S. (2019) COVID-19: a metaphor-based neologism and its translation into Arabic. Journal of Science Communication (JCOM), 19(05):1-21. doi: to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C.I. & Bolívar Pérez, M.I. (2019) Subtítulos para promover la cultura científica realizados por profesionales y voluntarios. In Acceso al patrimonio cultural, científico y natural. Contribuciones desde la traductología, edited by Chica Núñez, A.J. & Martínez Martínez, S. Traducción accesible, pages 43-59. Granada: Tragacanto.
López-Rodríguez, C.I. (2019) Verbal patterns to express DISEASE in English medical texts. In New Challenges for Research on Language for Special Purposes, edited by Simonnaes, I., Andersen, O. & Schubert, K. Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung, pages 219-233. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2019) EcoLexicon and by-products: integrating and reusing terminological resources. Terminology, edited by Alcina, A., Costa, R. & Roche, C. Special issue of Terminology and e-dictionaries, 25(2):222-258. John Benjamins Publishing Company. to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2019) High-density knowledge rich contexts. Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(1):109-130Link to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2019) Assessing EcoLexiCAT: Terminology Enhancement and Post-editing. In Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: Smart lexicography. Proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference, edited by Kosem, I., Zingano Khun, T., Correia, M., Ferreira, J.P., Jansen, M., Pereira, I., Kallas, J., Jakubíček, M., Krek, S. & Tiberius, C., pages 130-160. Brno: Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o.Link to this publication in PDF format
Rojas-García, J. & Cabezas-García, M. (2019) Use of Knowledge Patterns for the Evaluation of Semiautomatically-Induced Semantic Clusters. In New Challenges for Research on Language for Special Purposes, edited by Simonnæs, I., Andersen, O. & Schubert, K. Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung, 154:121-140. Berlin: Frank & TimmeLink to this publication in PDF format
Rojas-García, J. & Faber, P. (2019) Extraction of Terms related to Named Rivers. Languages, 4(46). doi:10.3390/languages4030046Link to this publication in PDF format
Rojas-García, J. & Faber, P. (2019) Extraction of terms for the construction of semantic frames for named bays. Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(1):27-57Link to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & Ramisch, C. (2019) Eliciting specialized frames from corpora using argument-structure extraction techniques. Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication, 25(1):1-31. John Benjamins. doi: to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2019) Patrimonio natural, creatividad y acceso a la ciencia por parte de niños. In Acceso al patrimonio cultural, científico y natural. Contribuciones desde la traductología, edited by Chica Núñez, A.J. & Martínez Martínez, S. Traducción accesible, pages 61-74. Tragacanto.
Tercedor Sánchez, M. & Láinez Ramos-Bossini, A. (2019) El español, lengua de comunicación científica. Terminología médica en los foros de pacientes. In Palabras como puentes. Estudios lexicológicos, lexicográficos y terminológicos desde el Cono Sur., pages 127-148. Buena VistaLink to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2019) The 'mimic' or 'mimetic' octopus? A cognitive-semiotic study of mimicry and deception in Thaumoctopus mimicus. Biosemiotics, 12(3):441-467. doi:10.1007/s12304-019-09362-yLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format


Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2018) Online resources for phraseology-related problems in legal translation. In Phraseology in Legal and Institutional Settings: A Corpus-based Interdisciplinary Perspective, edited by Gozdz-Roszkowski, S. & Pontrandolfo, G., pages 61-85. London/New York: RoutledgeLink to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & Faber, P. (2018) Phraseology in specialized resources: an approach to complex nominals. Lexicography, 5(1):55-83. doi:10.1007/s40607-018-0046-xLink to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & Gil-Berrozpe, J.C. (2018) Semantic-based Retrieval of Complex Nominals in Terminographic Resources. In Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress. Lexicography in Global Contexts, pages 269-281. Ljubljana, SloveniaLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & León-Araúz, P. (2018) Towards the Inference of Semantic Relations in Complex Nominals: a Pilot Study. In Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018), edited by Calzolari, N., Choukri, K., Cieri, C., Declerck, T., Goggi, S., Hasida, K., Isahara, H., Maegaard, B., Mariani, J., Mazo, H., Moreno, A., Odijk, J., Piperidis, S. & Tokunaga, T., pages 2511-2518. Miyazaki, Japan: ELRALink to this publication in PDF format
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C. (2018) Retos de la inclusión del chino en un recurso terminológico para traducción especializada. In I Congreso Internacional de Comunicación Intercultural entre China y el Mundo Hispanohablante. Guangzhou (China)Link to this publication in PDF format
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2018) Subtypes of Hyponymy in the Environmental Domain: Entities and Processes. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Terminology & Ontology: Theories and Applications (TOTh 2016), edited by Roche, C., pages 39-54. Chambéry: Éditions de l'Université Savoie Mont BlancLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Huertas Barros, E. & Buendía Castro, M. (2018) Analysing Phraseological Units in Legal Translation: Evaluation of Translation Errors for the English-Spanish Language Pair. In Phraseology in Legal and Institutional Settings: A Corpus-based Interdisciplinary Perspective, edited by Gozdz-Roszkowski, S. & Pontrandolfo, G., pages 41-60. London/New York: RoutledgeLink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2018) Improved Knowledge Rich Context Extraction for Terminography. In Technological Innovation for Specialized Linguistic Domains, edited by Read, T., Montaner, S. & Sedano, B., pages 69-84. Beau Bassin: Éditions universitaires européennes.
León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2018) Evaluating EcoLexiCAT: a Terminology-Enhanced CAT Tool. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), edited by Calzolari, N., Choukri, K., Cieri, C., Declerck, T., Goggi, S., Hasida, K., Isahara, H., Maegaard, B., Mariani, J., Mazo, H., Moreno, A., Odijk, J., Piperidis, S. & Tokunaga, T.. Paris, France: European Language Resources Association (ELRA)Link to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. & San Martín, A. (2018) The EcoLexicon Semantic Sketch Grammar: from Knowledge Patterns to Word Sketches. In Proceedings of the LREC 2018 Workshop “Globalex 2018 – Lexicography & WordNets”, edited by Kerneman, I. & Krek, S., pages 94-99. Miyazaki: GlobalexLink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P., San Martín, A. & Reimerink, A. (2018) The EcoLexicon English Corpus as an open corpus in Sketch Engine. In Proceedings of the 18th EURALEX International Congress, edited by Čibej, J., Gorjanc, V., Kosem, I. & Krek, S., pages 893-901. Ljubljana: EuralexLink to this publication in PDF format
Prieto-Velasco, J.A. & Fuentes-Luque, A. (2018) A collaborative multimodal working environment for the development of instrumental and professional competences of student translators: an innovative teaching experience. In Situated Learning in Translator and Interpreter Training: Bridging research and good practice, edited by Gonzalez-Davies, M. & Enríquez Raído, V.. London: RoutledgeLink to this publication in PDF format
Prieto-Velasco, J.A. & Montalt-Resurrecció, V. (2018) Encouraging legibility and comprehensibility through multimodal patient information guides. Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series. Themes in Translation Studies, 17:196-214Link to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A. & León-Araúz, P. (2018) Manzanilla: An Image Annotation Tool for TKB Building. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), edited by Calzolari, N., Choukri, K., Cieri, C., Declerck, T., Goggi, S., Hasida, K., Isahara, H., Maegaard, B., Mariani, J., Mazo, H., Moreno, A., Odijk, J., Piperidis, S. & Tokunaga, T.. Paris, France: European Language Resources Association (ELRA)Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. & Casado Valenzuela, A. (2018) Visual metaphors in medical knowledge representation. In Lingüística Antverpiensia-Themes in translation studies, edited by Jiménez Hurtado, C. & Ketola, A. Methods for the study of multimodality in Translation, 17:174-195.


Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2017) Verb Collocations for Natural Disasters: a Contrastive Study of Mexican and Peninsular Spanish. Sendebar(28)pages 189-208Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & Faber, P. (2017) The role of micro-contexts in noun compound formation. Neologica. La néologie en terminologie(11)pages 101-118. doi:10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-06995-9.p.0101Link to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & Faber, P. (2017) A Semantic Approach to the Inclusion of Complex Nominals in English Terminographic Resources. In Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology. EUROPHRAS 2017, edited by Mitkov, R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10596:145-159. Cham: Springer. doi: to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & Faber, P. (2017) Exploring the semantics of multi-word terms by means of paraphrases. In Temas actuales de terminología y estudios sobre el léxico, edited by Candel-Mora, M.A. & Vargas-Sierra, C. Interlingua 172, pages 193-217. Granada: ComaresLink to this publication in PDF format
Cabezas-García, M. & San Martín, A. (2017) Semantic annotation to characterize contextual variation in terminological noun compounds: a pilot study. In Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2017), pages 108-113. Valencia: Association for Computational LinguisticsLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & Mairal Usón, R. (2017) The Functional Lexematic Model: past, present and future. In Estudios de Filología Inglesa, edited by Cutillas Espinosa, J.a.H.C., Manchón Ruiz, R. & Mena Martínez, F., pages 315-340. Murcia: EditumLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & Medina-Rull, L. (2017) Written in the Wind: Cultural Variation in Terminology. In Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages, edited by Gryviel, M., pages 419-442. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge ScholarsLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & Navjas-Perez, R. (2017) Secondary Term Formation and Term Stability in Genetics: An English-Spanish Corpus Study. In The Language of Science and the Science of Language, edited by Petkova, E., Mihaylova-Palanska, M. & Kolkovska, S., pages 262-279. Sofia, Bulgaria: Bulgarian Academy of SciencesLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., Verdejo-Román, J., León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Guzmán Pérez-Carrillo, G. (2017) Specialized knowledge processing in the brain: an fMRI study. In Terminological Approaches in the European Context, edited by Faini, P., pages 168-182. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars PublishingLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & Vidal Claramonte, M.d.C.&. (2017) Food terminology as a system of cultural communication. Terminology, 23(1):155-179. De GruyterLink to this publication in PDF format
García-Aragón, A. & López-Rodríguez, C.I. (2017) Translators’ needs and preferences in the design of specialized lexicographic tools. In Human Issues in Translation Technology. The IATIS Yearbook, edited by Kenny, D., pages 80-108. London & New York: Routledge.
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C. (2017) Corpus-based Identification of Hyponymy Subtypes and Knowledge Patterns in the Environmental Domain. Granada: University of Granada. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.27825.89447Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C. & Faber, P. (2017) The Role of Terminological Knowledge Bases in Specialized Translation: The Use of Umbrella Concepts. In Temas actuales en terminología y estudios sobre el léxico, edited by Candel-Mora, M.A. & Vargas-Sierra, C. Interlingua 172, pages 1-25. Granada: ComaresLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2017) Specifying Hyponymy Subtypes and Knowledge Patterns: A Corpus-based Study. In Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of eLex 2017 conference., edited by Kosem, I., Kallas, J., Tiberius, C., Krek, S., Jakubíček, M. & Baisa, V., pages 63-92. Brno: Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o.Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Haddad Haddad, A. & Montero-Martínez, S. (2017) Procesos de metaforización en el dominio del medio ambiente: estudio terminológico intercultural inglés-árabe. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación (AIETI 8). Superando límites en traducción e interpretación, edited by Valero Garcés, C. & Pena Díaz, C., pages 102-109.
Huertas-Barros, E. & Buendía Castro, M. (2017) Optimising resourcing skills to develop phraseological competence in legal translation: tasks and approaches. International Journal of Legal Discourse, 2(2):347-372. doi: to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C.I. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2017) Identification and understanding of medical metaphors by non-experts. In Metaphor in Communication, Science and Education, edited by Ervas, F., Gola, E. & Rossi, M.G. Applications of Cognitive Linguistics, pages 217-246. Berlín: Mouton De Gruyter.
López-Rodríguez, C.I. (2017) Marcadores metalingüísticos explícitos y nivel de especialización: aplicaciones para la extracción de terminología. In Temas actuales de terminología y estudios del léxico, edited by Vargas Sierra, C. & Candel Mora, M.A. Interlingua, pages 147-162. Granada: Comares.
León-Araúz, P. (2017) Term and concept variation in specialized knowledge dynamics. In Multiple Perspectives on Terminological Variation, edited by Drouin, P., Francœur, A., Humbley, J. & Picton, A. Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 18:213-258. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/tlrp.18.09leoLink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2017) EcoLexiCAT: a Terminology-enhanced Translation Tool for Texts on the Environment. In Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of eLex 2017 conference, edited by Kosem, I., Kallas, J., Tiberius, C., Krek, S., Jakubíček, M. & Baisa, V., pages 321-341. Brno: Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o.Link to this publication in PDF format
Montero Martínez, S. & Buendía Castro, M. (2017) Clasificación semántica de colocaciones verbales para la adquisición y codificación de conocimiento experto: El caso de los riesgos naturales. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 30(1):240-272Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto-Velasco, J.A. (2017) Recepción y percepción de las imágenes en textos médicos para pacientes: estudio experimental sobre la repulsión. Panace@: Revista de Medicina, Lenguaje y Traducción, 18(45):50-60Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto-Velasco, J.A. & Fuentes-Luque, A. (2017) A collaborative multimodal working environment for the development of instrumental and professional competences of student translators: an innovative teaching experience. In Situated Learning in Translator and Interpreter Training: Bridging research and good practice, edited by Gonzalez-Davies, M. & Enríquez Raído, V.. London: RoutledgeLink to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A. & León-Araúz, P. (2017) Predicate-Argument Analysis to Build a Phraseology Module and to Increase Conceptual Relation Expressiveness. In Computational and Corpus-Based Phraseology, edited by Mitkov, R. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 10596:176-190. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69805-2_13Link to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & Frérot, C. (2017) Pour une description lexico-sémantique des verbes dans les textes spécialisés. Application multilingue aux domaines environnemental et médical. In Actes des 9èmes Journées Internationales de la Linguistique de corpus, 1:72-75. Université de GrenobleLink to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A., Cabezas-García, M., Buendía, M., Sánchez-Cárdenas, B., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2017) Recent Advances in EcoLexicon. Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America, 38(1):96-115Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2017) Bases cognitivas de la variación terminológica en medicina. In emas actuales de terminología y estudios sobre el léxico, edited by Vargas Sierra, C. & Candel Mora, M.A. Interlingua, pages 27-48. Granada: Comares.
Tercedor Sánchez, M. & Láinez Ramos-Bossini, A. (2017) La comunicación en línea en el ámbito de la psiquiatría: caracterización terminológica de los foros de pacientes. Panacea, 18(45):30-41. Madrid: TremédicaLink to this publication in PDF format
Trekker, C. (2017) Une réflexion sur les défis du lexicographe : l’exemple des motifs textiles. Repères DoRiF(14). Roma: DoRiF-Università.
Ureña Gómez Moreno, J.M. & Buendía Castro, M. (2017) Semantic and Conceptual Aspects of Volcano Verb Collocates within the Natural Disaster Domain: A Frame-Based Terminology Approach. In Cognitive Approaches to Specialist Languages, edited by Grygiel, M., pages 330-350. Newcastle-upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2017) Online construction of multimodal metaphors In Murnau’s movie Faust (1926). Metaphor and Symbol, 32(3):192-210. Taylor and Francis. doi: to this publication in PDF format


Alarcón Navío, E., López Rodríguez, C. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2016) Variation dénominative et familiarité en tant que source d'incertitude en traduction médicale. In Meta, edited by Froeliger, N. Special issue Zones d'incertitude en traduction, 61(1):117-144. Erudit.
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2016) Phraseological correspondence in English and Spanish Specialized Texts. In Computerised and Corpus-based Approaches to Phraseology: Monolingual and Multilingual Perspectives = Fraseología computacional y basada en corpus: perspectivas monolingües y multilingües, edited by Corpas Pastor, G., pages 391-398. Geneva: TradulexLink to this publication in PDF format
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2016) EcoLexicon, une nouvelle version plus proche des besoins des traducteurs. In Aspects of Specialised Translation, edited by Balbuena Torezano, M. & Calderón, A.G., pages 144-152. Tübingen: Narr.
Buendía Castro, M., León-Araúz, P. & Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2016) Categorías semánticas para describir estructuras argumentales en un ámbito de especialidad. In Actes du XXVIIe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Nancy, 15-20 juillet 2013). Section 16 : Projets en cours ; ressources et outils nouveaux, ISBN 979-10-91460-32-3, edited by Trotter, D., Bozzi, A. & Fairon, C., pages 65-78. Nancy: ATILFLink to this publication in PDF format
Buendía-Castro, M. & Sánchez-Cárdenas, B. (2016) Using Argument Structure to Disambiguate Verb Meaning. In Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX international congress, edited by Margalitadze, T. & Meladze, G., pages 482-490. Tbilisi: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University PressLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2016) Bridging the Gap between Description and Standardization: a Frame-based Version of NATO Glossaries. In Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress. Lexicography and Linguistic Diversity, edited by Margalitadze, T. & Meladze, G., pages 499-508. Tbilisi: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University PressLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2016) Specialized knowledge representation and the parameterization of context. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(00196). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00196Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2016) EcoLexicon: new features and challenges. In GLOBALEX 2016: Lexicographic Resources for Human Language Technology in conjunction with the 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, edited by Kernerman, I., Kosem Trojina, I., Krek, S. & Trap-Jensen, L., pages 73-80. PortorožLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., Reimerink, A. & León-Araúz, P. (2016) Encoding Context in Bilingual Specialized Dictionaries. In Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress. Lexicography and Linguistic Diversity, edited by Margalitadze, T. & Meladze, G., pages 491-498. Tbilisi: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi University PressLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C. (2016) Extending the conceptual systems in EcoLexicon to enhance multidimensionality. University of Granada. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1309.3362Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Gil-Berrozpe, J.C. & Faber, P. (2016) Refining Hyponymy in a Terminological Knowledge Base. In Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Workshop on Language and Ontology (LangOnto2) & Terminology and Knowledge Structures (TermiKS) at the 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2016). Portorož, SloveniaLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Jiménez Crespo, M.A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2016) Lexical variation, register and explicitation in medical translation: A comparable corpus study of medical terminology in US websites translated into Spanish. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 12(3):405-426. John Benjamins.
López Rodríguez, C.I. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2016) Multimodalidad y accesibilidad en recursos para el fomento de la salud. In e-aesla, pages 304-316Link to this publication in PDF format
López-Rodríguez, C.I. (2016) Using corpora in scientific and technical translation training: resources to identify conventionality and promote creativity. Cadernos de Traduçao. Corpus Use and Learning to Translate, almost 20 years on, 36(1):88-120. doi: to this publication in PDF format
López-Rodríguez, C.I. (2016) Explicitness of specialized terminology in popular science: an English into Spanish corpus-based study. In Corpus-based Approaches to Translation and Interpreting: from theory to applications, edited by Corpas, G. & Seghiri, M., pages 79-104. Berlin: Peter Lang.
L'Homme, M.C. & San Martín, A. (2016) Définition terminologique : systématisation de règles de rédaction dans les domaines de l’informatique et de l’environnement. Cahiers de lexicologie, 109(2):147-174Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2016) Evaluation of EcoLexicon Images. In Joint Second Workshop on Language and Ontology & Terminology and Knowledge Structures (LangOnto2 + TermiKS) in conjunction with the 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, edited by Khan, F., Vintar, S., León-Araúz, P., Faber, P., Frontini, F., Parvizi, A., Grčić Simeunović, L. & Unger, C., pages 16-22. PortorožLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2016) Multidimensional categorization in corpus-based hyponymic structures. In Corpus-based studies on language varieties, edited by Alonso Almeida, F., Cruz García, L. & González Ruiz, V. Linguistic Insights, 210:37-66. Bern: Peter LangLink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P., San Martín, A. & Faber, P. (2016) Pattern-based Word Sketches for the Extraction of Semantic Relations. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computational Terminology (Computerm2016), pages 73-82. Osaka, Japan: COLING 2016Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2016) Depicting Specialized Concepts: Strategies for the Visualization of Terminological Knowledge. In Verbal and Nonverbal Representation in Terminology. Proceedings of the TOTh Workshop 2013 – Copenhagen – 8 November 2013 / La Représentation Verbale et Non-verbale en Terminologie. Actes de la Journée d'étude TOTh 2013 – Copenhague – 8 novembre 2013, edited by Lervad, S., Flemestad, P. & Weilgaard Christensen, L., pages 37-50. Copenhagen: DNRF’s Centre for Textile Research & Institut Porphyre, Savoir et Connaissance.
Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Fuentes Luque, A. (2016) A collaborative multimodal working environment for the development of instrumental and professional competences of student translators: an innovative teaching experience. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 0(0):1-16. doi:10.1080/1750399X.2016.1154344Link to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A., León-Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2016) Image selection and annotation for an environmental knowledge base. Language Resources and Evaluation, pages 1-32. doi:10.1007/s10579-016-9345-8Link to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & Faber Benítez, P. (2016) Uso de corpus monolingües y comparables en el aula para traducir conectores adverbiales. Cadernos de traduçao. Corpus Use and Learning to Translate, almost 20 years on, 1:147-176Link to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & Faber, P. (2016) Corpus analysis and the translation of adverbs in specialised texts: Raising student awareness. In Corpus-based Approaches to Translation and Interpreting: from theory to applications, edited by Corpas Pastor, G. & Domínguez, M.S. Studien zur romanischen Sprachwissenschaft und interkulturellen Kommunikation, pages 195-217. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. doi: to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A. (2016) ''La representación de la variación contextual mediante definiciones terminológicas flexibles''. PhD Thesis. University of GranadaLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format


Blasco Morente, G., Garrido Colmenero, C., Tercedor Sánchez, J. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2015) El falso amigo severo. Actas dermosifiliográficas, 106(6):525-526. Elsevier. doi:
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2015) EcoLexicon como asistente en la traducción. In VII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación: Nuevos horizontes en los Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación (Comunicaciones completas) / New Horizons in Translation and Interpreting Studies (Full papers) / Novos horizontes dos Estudos da Tradução e Interpretação (Comunicações completas), edited by Corpas Pastor, G., Seghiri Domínguez, M., Gutiérrez Florido, R. & Urbano Mendaña, M., pages 195-203. Geneva: TradulexLink to this publication in PDF format
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2015) Phraseological units in English-Spanish legal dictionaries: a comparative study. Fachsprache: International Journal of Specialized Communication, XXXVII(3-4):161-175.
Faber, P. (2015) Frames as a framework for terminology. In Handbook of Terminology, edited by Kockaert, H.J. & Steurs, F., 1:14-33. John Benjamins Publishing CompanyLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2015) Fuertes-Olivera, Pedro A., and Sven Tarp. 2014. Theory and Practice of Specialised Online Dictionaries. Lexicography versus Terminography. Terminology, 21(1):126-136. doi:10.1075/term.21.1.06leoLink to this publication in PDF format
León-Araúz, P. (2015) Term variation in the psychiatric domain: transparency and multidimensionality. In Word Formation and Transparency in Medical English, edited by ten Hacken, P. & Panocová, R., pages 33-54. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
León-Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2015) Signs and Symptoms in the Psychiatric Domain: A Corpus Analysis. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, edited by Jiménez Carra, N., Calvo, E., Fernández-Quesada, N., López Márquez, A.M. & Stender, A. 32nd International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA): Language Industries and Social Change, 173:285-292. Elsevier. doi:doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.02.067Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2015) Representación gráfica de conceptos médicos: estudio de caso de la guía para pacientes Efectos secundarios del Taxol® (paclitaxel). MA Thesis. University Jaume I, Castellón, SpainLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Todirascu, A. & Cárdenas, B.S. (2015) Caractériser les discours académiques et de vulgarisation: quelles propriétés?. In Actes de la 22e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN'2015), pages 614-620. Caen (France)Link to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2015) Refining the understanding of novel metaphor in specialised language discourse. Terminology, 22(1). John Benjamins.


Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2014) Collocation Dictionaries: A Comparative Analysis. MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, 6:203-235. doi:10.6035/MonTI.2014.6.7Link to this publication in PDF format
Buendía Castro, M., Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & León Araúz, P. (2014) The role of conceptual categories for argument structure prediction. In Communication, Cognition and Cybernetics. Selected papers from the 31st International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), edited by Díaz Galán, A., Fumero Pérez, M.d.C., Lojendio Quintero, M.d.P., Burguess, S., Sosa Acevedo, E. & Cano Ginés, A., pages 879-903. La Laguna: Universidad de La Laguna.
Buendía Castro, M., Montero Martínez, S. & Faber, P. (2014) Verb collocations and phraseology in EcoLexicon. Yearbook of Phraseology, 5(1):57-94. De GruyterLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & Buendía Castro, M. (2014) EcoLexicon. In Proceedings of the XVI EURALEX International Congress, edited by Andrea Abel, C.V. & Ralli, N., pages 601-607. Bolzano: EURALEX.
Faber, P. & L'Homme, M.C. (2014) Lexical semantic approaches to terminology. An introduction. Terminology: international journal of theoretical and applied issues in specialized communication, 20(2):143-150. John Benjamins Publishing. doi:10.1075/term.20.2.01intLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2014) Representing environmental knowledge in EcoLexicon. In Languages for Specific Purposes in the Digital Era. Educational Linguistics, 19:267-301. SpringerLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & León-Araúz, P. (2014) Specialized knowledge dynamics: From cognition to culture-bound terminology. In Dynamics and Terminology. An interdisciplinary perspective on monolingual and multilingual culture-bound communication, edited by Temmerman, R. & Van Campenhoudt, M. Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 16:135-158. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/tlrp.16.08fabLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., Verdejo, J., León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Guzmán, G. (2014) Neural Substrates of Specialized Knowledge Representation: An fMRI study. Revue fraçaise de linguistique appliquée, 19(1):15-32. Pub. linguistiquesLink to this publication in PDF format
Fernández Fernández, J. & León-Araúz, P. (2014) Traducir el cambio climático: la estructura conceptual de las palabras. In Translating Culture; Traduire la Culture; Traducir la Cultura. Vol 4 De barreras culturales en la traducción científica y técnica, edited by Martínez López, A.B., Jiménez Gutiérrez, I. & Martínez Robledo, M.I. Interlingua, 128:665-678. Granada: Comares.
García Aragón, A., Buendía Castro, M. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2014) Evaluación de una base de conocimiento terminológica sobre el medio ambiente en el aula de la traducción especializada. TIC, trabajo colaborativo e interacción en Terminología y Traducción, edited by Vargas Sierra, C., pages 447-487. Granada: Comares.
León Aráuz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2014) From Term Dynamics to Concept Dynamics: Term Variation and Multidimensionality in the Psychiatric Domain. In Proceedings of the XVI EURALEX International Congress, edited by Andrea Abel, C.V. & Ralli, N., pages 657-667. Bolzano: EURALEXLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. (2014) Semantic Relations and Local Grammars for the Environment. In Formalising Natural Languages with NooJ 2013, edited by Joeva, S., Mesfar, S. & Silberztein, M., pages 87-102. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars PublishingLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2014) Context and Terminology in the Multilingual Semantic Web. In Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web, edited by Buitelaar, P. & Cimiano, P., pages 31-47. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-43585-4_3Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2014) Selection and annotation of images for specialized knowledge bases. In Communication, Cognition and Cybernetics. In Selected papers from the 31st International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), edited by Díaz Galán, A., Fumero Pérez, M.d.C., Lojendio Quintero, M.d.P., Burguess, S., Sosa Acevedo, E. & Cano Ginés, A., pages 584-600. La Laguna: Universidad de La Laguna.
López Rodríguez, C.I. & Prieto-Velasco, J.A. (2014) Comunicación y ciudadanía europea (inglés-español): recursos multimodales para el medio ambiente y el fomento de la salud. In Actas del I Seminario Iberoamericano de Innovación Docente de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. ISBN: 84-697-2223-9Link to this publication in PDF format
Pelegrina, A.B., Martin-Bautista, M.J. & Faber, P. (2014) Improving Personalization and Contextualization of Queries to Knowledge Bases Using Spreading Activation and Users’ Feedback. In Foundations of Intelligent Systems, edited by Andreasen, T., Christiansen, H., Cubero, J.C. & Raś, Z. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8502:285-294. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08326-1_29Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2014) Corpus strategies for multimodal text analysis in knowledge-based terminological base. In Specialisation and Variation in Language Corpora, edited by Díaz-Negrillo, A. & Díaz-Pérez, F.J. Linguistic Insights, 179:105-134. Bern (i.a.): Peter Lang.
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2014) Visualización de conceptos vitivinícolas: la terminología en la D.O. Montilla-Moriles. Terminología y comunicación científica y social, edited by Roldán Vendrell, M., pages 181-203. Granada: Comares.
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2014) The depiction of terminological variation in medical images: Can you see the difference?. In Languages for Special Purposes in a Multilingual, Transcultural World, Proceedings of the 19th European Symposium on Languages for Special Purposes, edited by Budin, G. & Lušicky, V., pages 74-80. Vienna (Austria): University of Vienna. doi:978-3-200-03674-1Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2014) The embodied nature of medical concepts: image schemas and language for pain. Cognitive processing, 15(3):283-296. SpringerLink to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2014) La naturaleza situada de los conceptos médicos: por una representación multimodal del dolor. In TIC, trabajo colaborativo e interacción en Terminología y Traducción, edited by Vargas Sierra, C., pages 575-590. Granada: ComaresLink to this publication in PDF format
Prieto-Velasco, J.A. & Fuentes-Luque, A. (2014) Entornos multimodales de trabajo colaborativo para el desarrollo de la competencia instrumental-profesional de los traductores en formación. In Actas del I Seminario Iberoamericano de Innovación Docente de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. ISBN: 84-697-2223-9Link to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & Faber, P. (2014) A functional and constructional approach for specialized knowledge resources. Language Processing and Grammars: The role of functionally oriented computational models, edited by Nolan, B. & Periñán-Pascual, C. Studies in Language Companion Series, pages 297-312. Caen (France): John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/slcs.150.12sanLink to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A. (2014) KWIC Corpora as a Source of Specialized Definitional Information: A Pilot Study. In Actes Du CEC-TAL’2013, edited by Zaghouani, W.. Montreal: Université du Québec à MontréalLink to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A. & Faber, P. (2014) Deep semantic representation in a domain-specific ontology: Linking EcoLexicon to FunGramKB. Language Processing and Grammars: The role of functionally oriented computational models, edited by Nolan, B. & Periñán-Pascual, C. Studies in Language Companion Series, pages 271-296. John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/slcs.150.11marLink to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A. & L'Homme, M.C. (2014) Definition Patterns for Predicative Terms in Specialized Lexical Resources. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, edited by Calzolari, N., Choukri, K., Declerck, T., Loftsson, H., Maegaard, B., Mariani, J., Moreno, A., Odijk, J. & Piperidis, S., pages 3748-3755. Reykjavik: European Language Resources Association (ELRA)Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M., López Rodríguez, C.I. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2014) También los pacientes hacen terminología: retos del proyecto VariMed. Panace@: revista de Medicina, Lenguaje y Traducción, 25(39):95-103Link to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2014) The Role of Image Schemas and Superior Psychic Faculties in Zoosemiosis. Biosemiotics, edited by Calzolari, N., Choukri, K., Declerck, T., Loftsson, H., Maegaard, B., Mariani, J., Moreno, A., Odijk, J. & Piperidis, S., 7(3):405-427Link to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. & Faber, P. (2014) A cognitive sociolinguistic approach to metaphor and denominative variation: A case study of marine biology terms. Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 12(1):193-222. John Benjamins Publishing CompanyLink to this publication in PDF format


Buendía Castro, M. (2013) Phraseology in Specialized Language and its Representation in Environmental Knowledge Resources. PhD Thesis. Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain.
Buendía Castro, M. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2013) The Web for corpus and the Web as corpus in translator training. New Voices in Translation Studies, 10:54-71Link to this publication in PDF format
Buendía Castro, M. & Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2013) Diseño de entradas lexicográficas en diccionarios combinatorios especializados. Translating Culture –Traduire la Culture-Traducir la Cultura, edited by Ortega Arjonilla, E. Linguistic Insights, pages 873-888. Granada: Comares.
Goncharova, Y. & Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2013) Specialized Corpora Processing with Automatic Extraction Tools. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 95:293-297. Elsevier.
López Rodríguez, C.I. & Buendía Castro, M. (2013) Aplicación de la lingüística de corpus en la didáctica de la traducción científica y técnica. In Proceedings of the XXVI Congres Internacional de Lingüística i Filología Romaniques, edited by Casanova Herrero, E. & Calvo Rigual, C., VIII:205-216. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
López Rodríguez, C.I., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2013) Multimodal representation of specialized knowledge in ontology-based terminological databases: the case of EcoLexicon. The Journal of Specialized Translation, 20:49-67.
León Arúz, P. & Faber, P. (2013) Environmental Ontology Localization and Translation Relations. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Environmental Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, EnviroInfo 2013, edited by Page, B., Fleischer, A., Göbel, J. & Wohlgemuth, V., pages 582-591. Shaker VerlagLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2013) Multidimensional and Multimodal Information in EcoLexicon. In Computational Linguistics, edited by Przepiórkowski, A., Piasecki, M., Jassem, K. & Fuglewicz, P. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 458:143-161. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-34399-5_8Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & García Aragón, A. (2013) Dynamism and context in specialized knowledge. Terminology, 19(1):31-61. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/term.19.1.02leoLink to this publication in PDF format
Pelegrina, A.B., Martin-Bautista, M.J. & Faber, P. (2013) Contextualization and personalization of queries to knowledge bases using spreading activation. In Flexible Query Answering Systems, edited by Legind, L.H., Martin-Bautista, M., Vila, M., Andreasen, T. & Christiansen, H., 8132:671-682. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40769-7_58Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2013) A corpus-based approach to the multimodal analysis of specialized knowledge. Language Resources and Evaluation, 47(2):399-423. Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/s10579-012-9204-1Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A., Tercedor Sánchez, M. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2013) La multidimensionalidad conceptual en la traducción médica. Skopos. Revista Internacional de Traducción e Interpretación, 2:167-183Link to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & Faber, P. (2013) Des Valeurs Axiologiques Au Service de La Publicité, ou Comment Rendre Un Produit Nettoyant Écologique. Le Discours et La Langue. Revue de Linguistique Française et D'analyse Du Discours, 5.1:71-92Link to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A. & León Araúz, P. (2013) Flexible Terminological Definitions and Conceptual Frames. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Definitions in Ontologies (DO 2013), edited by Seppälä, S. & Ruttenberg, A.. Montreal: Concordia University.
Tercedor Sánchez, M., López Rodríguez, C.I. & Alarcón Navío, E. (2013) Identifying features of translation through multiword lexical units. Interference and normalization in genre-controlled multilingual corpora, edited by Lefer, M.A. & Vogeleer, S. Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 27:87-109.
Tercedor Sánchez, M. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2013) Las barreras en la comunicación médico-paciente: el proyecto VARIMED. Translating Culture; Traduire la Culture; Traducir la Cultura: De barreras culturales en la traducción científica y técnica, edited by Martínez López, A.B., Jiménez Gutiérrez, I. & Martínez Robledo, M.I., pages 593-606. Granada: Comares.
Todirascu, A. & Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2013) Une analyse linguistique des genres juridiques pour la classification automatique. In Actes du Colloque ''Corpus et Outils en Linguistique, Langues et Parole''. Strasbourg, FranceLink to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2013) Figurative thought, colour categorisation and vantage construal in scientific language. Language Sciences, 41:197-211. ElsevierLink to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M., Faber, P. & Buendía Castro, M. (2013) Frame blending in specialized language: Harmful algal bloom. Terminology, 19(2):175-201. John Benjamins Publishing Company.


Bobillo, F., Gómez-Romero, J. & León Araúz, P. (2012) Fuzzy Ontologies for Specialized Knowledge Representation in WordNet. Advances on Computational Intelligence, edited by Greco, S., Bouchon-Meunier, B., Coletti, G., Fedrizzi, M. & Matarazzo, B.a.Y., 297:430-439Link to this publication in PDF format
Buendía Castro, M. (2012) Verb dynamics. Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication, 18(2):149-166. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2012) EcoLexicon as a tool for scientific translation. In Iberian Studies on Translation and Interpreting, edited by García-Izquierdo, I. & Monzó, E., pages 209-240. Bern: Peter Lang.
Buendía Castro, M. & Faber, P. (2012) EcoLexicon: Algo Más Que Un Tesauro Sobre El Medio Ambiente. Estudios De Traducción e Interpretación. Entornos De Especialidad, edited by Martí Ferriol, J. & Muñoz Miquel, A., 2:59-72. Castelló: Publicaciones de la Universitat Jaume I.
Buendía Castro, M. & Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2012) Linguistic knowledge for specialized text production. In Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’12), edited by Calzolari, N., Choukr, K., Declerc, T., Doğan, M.U., Maegaard, B., Mariani, J., Odijk, J. & Piperidis, S., pages 622-626. Istanbul.
Faber, P. (2012) A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Faber, P. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2012) Terminology and specialized language. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:9-31. Berlin, Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
Faber, P. & San Martín, A. (2012) Specialized language pragmatics. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:177-203. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Faber, P. & Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2012) Specialized Language Translation. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:73-92. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Fernández Fernández, J. (2012) El María Moliner al trasluz. Conceptos y relaciones conceptuales en los catálogos del DUE. In Avances en lexicografía hispánica, pages 135-146.
Koreneva, O. (2012) De la estructuración del conocimiento especializado hacia el uso adecuado de la terminología ruso-española en la traducción científica. In El español frente a los retos del siglo XXI: investigación y enseñanza: materiales de la V conferencia internacional de hispanistas, 267-270, pages 267-270. Moscow: MGIMOLink to this publication in PDF format
Koreneva, O. (2012) Estudio de la conceptualización en la terminología medioambiental ruso-española a base del corpus bilingüe. In IV Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus. Jaén.
Koreneva, O. (2012) Терминоведение и профессиональная коммуникация. In Effective strategies and tactics of the modern communication processes. Compilation of scientic papers, pages 146-157. Edition 10.М: APK and PPROLink to this publication in PDF format
Koreneva, O. (2012) Технический перевод: переход от перевода терминов к поиску многоязычных терминологических эквивалентов. In General and Specialist Translation/Interpretation: Theory, Methods, Practice: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, pages 174-179. Kiev: AgrarMediaGroupLink to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C.I., Buendía Castro, M. & García Aragón, A. (2012) User needs to the test: Evaluating a terminological knowledge base on the environment by trainee translators. Jostrans. The Journal of Specialized Translation, 18:57-76.
León Aráuz, P., Faber, P. & Montero Martínez, S. (2012) Specialized Language Semantics. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:95-175. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2012) Causality in the Specialized Domain of the Environment. In Proceedings of the Workshop “Semantic Relations-II. Enhancing Resources and Applications” (LREC’12), edited by Mititelu, V.B., Popescu, O. & Pekar, V., pages 10-17. Istanbul: ELRALink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Gómez-Romero, J. & Bobillo, F. (2012) A Fuzzy Ontology Extension of WordNet and EuroWordnet for Specialized Knowledge. In Proceedings of the 10th Terminology and Knowledge Engineering Conference (TKE-2012). New frontiers in the constructive symbiosis of terminology and knowledge engineering, edited by Aguado de Cea, G., Suárez-Figueroa, M.C., García-Castro, R. & Montiel-Ponsoda, E., pages 139-154. MadridLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & San Martín, A. (2012) Multidimensional Categorization in Terminological Definitions. In Proceedings of the 15th EURALEX International Congress. Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld and Julie Matilde Torjusen, pages 578-584. Oslo: EURALEXLink to this publication in PDF format
León Arauz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2012) Conceptual Modelling Of Environmental Knowledge: Dynamism And Context. In Empiricism and analytical tools for 21 century applied linguistics: selected papers from the XXIX International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), pages 695-709Link to this publication in PDF format
Montero Martínez, S. & Buendía Castro, M. (2012) La sistematización en el tratamiento de las construcciones fraseológicas: el caso del medio ambiente. Empiricism and Analytical Tools for 21st Century Applied Linguistics, edited by Elorza, I., Carbonell-i-Cortés, O., Albarrán, R., García-Riaza, B. & Pérez-Veneros, M., pages 711-724. Salamanca: Ediciones de la Universidad de SalamancaLink to this publication in PDF format
Pepeliaeva, E. & Koreneva, O. (2012) Multidimensionalidad de la categorización en la lingüística cognitiva. In Word, utterance, text and their cogntive, pragmatic and culturological aspects. Proceedings of the VI International Conference of Chelabinsk/Russia, edited by Nefedova, L., pages 3-6. Edition of the Chelabinsk-State University.
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2012) Cognitive Explorations of Translation. Londres-Nueva York: Continuum, Continuum Studies in Translation, 256 pp. Sendebar, edited by O’Brien, S., 23(0)Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2012) La implantación de los nuevos títulos de Grado en Traducción e Interpretación en la universidad española. In Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación: Perspectivas transversales, edited by Ordóñez López, P. & Conde, T., 1:251-262. Castelló: Universitat Jaume ILink to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Faber, P. (2012) Graphical information. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:225-248. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Reimerink, A., García De Quesada, M. & Montero Martínez, S. (2012) Contextual selection for term entries. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:208-223. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2012) Est-ce que chiffrer peut compter? Convergences et divergences. In SHS Web of Conferences, edited by Neveu, F., Toke, V.M., Blumenthal, P., Klingler, T., Ligas, P., Prévost, S. & Teston-Bonnard, S., 1:1943-1956. doi:10.1051/shsconf/20120100197Link to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & Buendía Castro, M. (2012) Inclusion of Verbal Syntagmatic Patterns in Specialized Dictionaries: The Case of EcoLexicon. In Proceedings of the 15th EURALEX International Congress. Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld and Julie Matilde Torjusen, pages 554-562. Oslo: EURALEXLink to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A. (2012) Hacia la flexibilización de la definición terminológica. In Empiricism and analytical tools for 21 century applied linguistics: selected papers from the XXIX International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics (AESLA), edited by Elorza, I., Carbonell-i-Cortés, O., Albarrán, R., García-Riaza, B. & Pérez-Veneros, M., pages 739-757. Salamanca: Ediciones de la Universidad de SalamancaLink to this publication in PDF format
San Martín, A. & Faber, P. (2012) Identifying ontological mismatches between EcoLexicon and FunGramKB. La Lingüística aplicada en la era de la globalización = La Lingüística aplicada en l'era de la globalització = Applied Linguistics in the Age of Globalization, edited by Llanes Baró, A., Astrid Ciro, L., Gallego Balsà, L. & Mateu Serra, R.M., pages 521-528.
Tercedor Sánchez, M. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2012) Access to health in an intercultural setting: the role of corpora and images in grasping term variation. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series--Themes in Translation Studies(11).
Tercedor Sánchez, M., López Rodríguez, C.I. & Faber, P. (2012) Working with Words: Research Approaches to Translation-Oriented Lexicographic Practice. TTR: Traduction, terminologie, rédaction, 25(1):181-214. Association canadienne de traductologie.
Tercedor Sánchez, M., López Rodríguez, C.I., Márquez Linares, C. & Faber, P. (2012) Metaphor and metonymy in specialized language. In A cognitive linguistics view of terminology and specialized language, edited by Faber, P., 20:33-71. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Tercedor Sánchez, M., Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2012) Grasping metaphoric and metonymic processes in terminology. The Journal of Specialised Translation, pages 187-205.
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2012) Alexiev, Boyan. 2011. Knowledge-Oriented Terminography. Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication, 18(2):274-281. doi: to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2012) Conceptual Types of Terminological Metaphors in Marine Biology. An English-Spanish Contrastive Analysis from an Experiencialist Perspective. Metaphor in Use: Context, Culture, and Communication, edited by MacArthur, F., Oncins, J., Piquer, A. & Sánchez, M.. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Faber, P. (2011) The dynamics of specialized knowledge representation: Simulational reconstruction or the perception--action interface. Terminology, 17(1):9-29. John Benjamins Publishing CompanyLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2011) Formalizing Specialized Knowledge Events in Satellite Ontologies. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence, edited by Kageura, K. & Zweigenbaum, P., pages 101-107. ParisLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2011) Knowledge representation in EcoLexicon. Technological Innovation in the Teaching and Processing of LSPs: Proceedings of TISLID, edited by Talaván, N., Martín Monje, E. & Palazón, F., 10:367-385. Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educación a DistanciaLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., Mairal, R. & Magaña, P. (2011) Linking a Domain-Specific Ontology to a General Ontology. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, pages 564-569Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & San Martín, A. (2011) Linking specialized knowledge and general knowledge in EcoLexicon. In TOTh 2011. International Conference on Terminology & Ontology. Actes De La Cinquième Conférence TOTh. Annecy: Institut PorphyreLink to this publication in PDF format
Fernández Fernández, J. (2011) Representación del conocimiento terminológico difundido en la web. Estudio del dominio del cambio climático. PhD Thesis. Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain.
Fernández, T. & Faber, P. (2011) The representation of multidimensionality in a bilingualized English-Spanish thesaurus for learners in architecture and building construction. International Journal of Lexicography, 24(2):198-225. Oxford Univ Press. doi:10.1093/ijl/ecq046Link to this publication in PDF format
Jiménez Crespo, M.A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2011) Applying corpus data to define needs in web localization training. Meta: Journal des traducteursMeta:/Translators’ Journal, 56(4):998-1021. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal. doi:10.7202/1011264arLink to this publication in PDF format
Koreneva, O. (2011) ЭкоЛексикон и подход к концептуализации в русской терминологии области охраны окружающей среды. In I Congreso Internacional de Rusística: Lengua, Visión del mundo y texto, edited by Quero Gervilla, E., Barros García, B., Kopylova, T. & Vercher García, E., pages 419-426. GranadaLink to this publication in PDF format
Koreneva, O. (2011) EcoLexicon: Estudio contrastivo de la terminología medioambiental ruso-española a base del análisis de la multidimensionalidad a nivel léxico. In Congreso internacional “Investigaciones comparadas ruso-españolas: aspectos teóricos y metodológicos” / Международная конференция “Русско-испанские сопоставительные исследования: теоретические и методологические аспекты”, edited by Guzmán, R., Votyakova, I., Sokolova, L. & Safronova, L., pages 562-567. GranadaLink to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C.I. & Buendía Castro, M. (2011) En busca de corpus online a la carta en el aula de traducción científica y técnica. Trans-Kom (Journal for Translation and Technical Communication Research), 4(1):1-22Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Faber, P. & Magaña Redondo, P.J. (2011) Linking Domain-Specific Knowledge to Encyclopedic Knowledge: an Initial Approach to Linked Data. In 2nd Workshop on the Multilingual Semantic Web (The 10th International Semantic Web Conference), pages 68-73. BonnLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Magaña Redondo, P.J. & Faber, P. (2011) Integrating Environment into the Linked Data Cloud. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Environmental Informatics. EnviroInfo Ispra 2011, edited by Pillman, W., Schade, S. & Smits, P., pages 370-379. Shaker VerlagLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2011) Knowledge Extraction and Representation: the EcoLexicon Methodology. In Proceedings of the Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) 2011, edited by Hedeland, H., Thomas Schmidt, & Wörner, K., pages 215-218. Hamburg: Universität Hamburg.
León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2011) EcoLexicon and FunGramKB: Applying COREL to Domain-Specific Knowledge. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, pages 138-142Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2011) Environmental knowledge in EcoLexicon. In Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics Applications Conference (CLA 2011), Jachranka, Poland, edited by Jassem, K., Fuglewicz, P. & Piasecki, M., pages 9-16. Jachranka (Poland)Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & San Martín, A. (2011) Distinguishing Polysemy from Contextual Variation in Terminological Definitions. In Actas del X Congreso de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Especíificos: La investigación y la enseñanza aplicadas a las lenguas de especialidad ya la tecnología, edited by Luisa Carrió, M., Contreras, J., Olmo, F., Skorczynska, H., Tamarit, I. & Westall, D., pages 173-186. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaLink to this publication in PDF format
Montero Martínez, S., Faber, P. & Buendía Castro, M. (2011) Terminología para traductores e intérpretes (Segunda edición). Granada: TragacantoLink to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2011) La multimodalidad como aproximación didáctica para la adquisición de lenguajes de especialidad: Ecolexicon y la lengua del medioambiente. In XII Ciclo de conferencias sobre adquisición y uso de segundas lenguas. In XII Ciclo de conferencias sobre adquisición y uso de segundas lenguas “Nuevas tendencias en la enseñanza/aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras”. Sevilla: Universidad Pablo de OlavideLink to this publication in PDF format
Sánches Cárdenas, B. (2011) El Léxico-gramática al Rescate: Resolución de Problemas en Fle (francés Lengua Extranjera) Mediante un Programa de Concordancias. In VII Congreso ACLES: Multilingüismo en los Centros de Lenguas Universitarios: Evaluación, Acreditación, Calidad y Política Lingüística, pages 406-420. Granada: Universidad de GranadaLink to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2011) Les stratégies normatives du traducteur à travers l'analyse contrastive d'un discours politique. Scolia (Sciences Cognitives, Linguistique & Intelligence Artificielle), 25:105-118Link to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2011) Structuration hiérarchique du lexique verbal à travers la propriété de troponymie. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 6(1):329-340Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2011) The cognitive dynamics of terminological variation. Terminology, 17(2):181-197. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/term.17.2.01terLink to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M., Faber, P. & D'Angiulli, A. (2011) The depiction of wheels by blind children: preliminary studies on pictorial metaphors, language, and embodied imagery. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 31(1):113-128. SAGE Publications. doi:0.2190/IC.31.1-2.jLink to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2011) Metaphor in specialised language: an english-spanish comparative study in marine biology. PhD Thesis. Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain.
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2011) Situated metaphor in scientific discourse: An English-Spanish contrastive study. Languages in Contrast, 11(2):216-240. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/lic.11.2.04ureLink to this publication in PDF format


Buendía Castro, M. (2010) Anotación semántica en el dominio especializado de la meteorología. In Modos y formas de la comunicación humana / Ways and modes of human communication, edited by Caballero, R. & Pinar Sanz, M.J., pages 923-934. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla- La Mancha / AESLALink to this publication in PDF format
Buendía Castro, M. (2010) Montero Martínez, Silvia; Faber, Pamela (2008) Terminología para traductores e intérpretes Granada: Tragacanto, 258 p. ISBN 978-84-93678-00-5. Terminàlia, 0(2)Link to this publication in PDF format
Buendía Castro, M. (2010) Terminología para traductores e intérpretes, de S. Montero‐Martínez y P. Faber Benítez. TRANS. Revista de Traductología, 14:197-199Link to this publication in PDF format
Buendía Castro, M. & Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2010) ¿Cómo diseñar un corpus de calidad? Parámetros de evaluación. Sendebar, 21:165-180Link to this publication in PDF format
Buendía Castro, M. & Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2010) Towards a methodology for semantic annotation: The case of meteorology. In Traducción y modernidad. Textos científicos, jurídicos, económicos y audiovisuales, edited by López-Campos Bodineau, R., Balbuena Torezano, C. & Álvarez Jurado, M., pages 27-36. Córdoba: Universidad de CórdobaLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. (2010) Terminología, traducción especializada y adquisición de conocimiento. La traducción en contextos especializados. Propuestas didácticas, edited by Alarcón, E., pages 87-96. Granada: Atrio.
Faber, P. (2010) English as an academic lingua franca. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 23:19-32. Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología InglesaLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & León Araúz, P. (2010) Dinamismo conceptual en las bases de conocimiento terminológico: el caso de EcoLexicon. Íkala, revista de lenguaje y cultura, 15(25):75-100Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., León Arauz, P. & Pérez Hernández, C. (2010) A Wine Dictionary For Non--drinkers: LSP Dictionary Functions. In Vino, lengua y traducción, edited by Rodríguez, M.I., 2:109-120. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio CientíficoLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & San Martín, A. (2010) Conceptual Modeling in Specialized Knowledge Resources. Information Technologies & Knowledge, 4(2):110-121.
Fernández Fernández, J. (2010) Traducir para un modelo universal de protección a la infancia: el caso de aldeas infantiles1. Actas del IV Congreso Internacional ESLETRA (2010), pages 359-380. ESLETRA.
García de Quesada, M. & Reimerink, A. (2010) Frames, contextual information and images in terminology A proposal. Terminology in Everyday Life, edited by Thelen, M. & Steurs, F., 13:97-122. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.
Jiménez Crespo, M.A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2010) Theoretical and methodological issues in web corpus design and analysis. International Journal of Translation, 22(2):37-57.
López Rodríguez, C.I., Faber, P., León Arauz, P., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2010) La Terminología basada en marcos y su aplicación a las Ciencias Ambientales: los proyectos MARCOCOSTA y ECOSISTEMA. Arena Romanistica, 7(10):52-74Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2010) Natural and contextual constraints for domain-specific relations. In The Workshop Semantic Relations, Theory and Applications, edited by Barbu Mititelu, V. & Pekar, V., pages 12-17. Valletta, MaltaLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & Magaña Redondo, P. (2010) EcoLexicon: contextualizing an environmental ontology. In Proceedings of the terminology and knowledge engineering (TKE) conference, 2010:341-355. Dublin: Dublin City UniversityLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. & Reimerink, A. (2010) Knowledge extraction and multidimensionality in the environmental domain. In Proceedings of the terminology and knowledge engineering (TKE) conference, 2010. Dublin: Dublin City UniversityLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & García Aragón, A. (2010) Context-based Modelling Of Specialized Knowledge. Information Technologies & Knowledge, 4(2):122Link to this publication in PDF format
Liceras, J.M., Fernández Fuertes, R., Alba de la Fuente, A. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2010) Lexically-Based Interlinguistic Influence at the Syntax-Semantic Interface: Copula Omission in the English Grammar of English-Spanish Bilinguals. In Selected Proceedings of the 12th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, pages 183-193. Somerville: CascadillaLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A., García de Quesada, M. & Montero Martínez, S. (2010) Contextual information in terminological knowledge bases: A multimodal approach. Journal of pragmatics, 42(7):1928-1950. ElsevierLink to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A., León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2010) A Qualia-based description of specialized knowledge units in the lexical-constructional model. Terminàlia, 1:17-25Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A., León Araúz, P. & Magaña Redondo, P.J. (2010) EcoLexicon: An Environmental TKB. In Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’10), edited by Calzolari, i., Choukri, K., Maegaard, B., Mariani, J., Odijk, J., Piperidis, S., Rosner, M. & Tapias, D.. Valletta: European Language Resources Association (ELRA)Link to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2010) Vers une représentation lexicographique du verbe compter. In Les Cahiers du GEPE, 2Link to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2010) Les restrictions sémantiques des arguments verbaux: une question de fréquence d’usage. Synergies France, 6:41-50Link to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2010) Enhancing Translation Dictionaries through Corpus Analysis. International Journal of Translation: an International Journal Translation Studies, edited by Kaur Bahri, H.&.S.B. Special Issue on Translation and Corpus Linguistics, 22(1-2):107-127. Nueva Delhi: Bahri Publications.
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. & Todirascu, A. (2010) The TRANSVERB project - An electronic bilingual dictionary for translators: theoretical background and practical perspectives. In Proceedings of the XIV Euralex International Congress, edited by Dykstra, A. & Schoonheim, T., pages 842-848. Leeuwarden: AfukLink to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2010) El léxico en la formación en traducción científica y técnica. In La traducción en contextos especializados. Propuestas didácticas, edited by Alarcón Navío, E., pages 97-104. Granada: AtrioLink to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2010) Translating web multimodalities. In Tradumàtica, 8Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2010) Cognates as lexical choices in translation: interference in space-constrained texts. Target, 22(2):177-193. doi:10.1075/target.22.2.01terLink to this publication in PDF format
Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. & Faber, P. (2010) Strategies for the semi-automatic retrieval of metaphorical terms. Metaphor and Symbol, 26(1):23-52. Taylor & Francis. doi:10.1080/10926488.2011.535415Link to this publication in PDF format
Ureña, J.M. & Faber, P. (2010) Reviewing imagery in resemblance and non-resemblance metaphors. Cognitive Linguistics, 21(1):123-149. doi:10.1515/COGL.2010.004Link to this publication in PDF format


Buendía Castro, M. & Ureña Gómez-Moreno, J.M. (2009) Parameters of Evaluation for Corpus Design. International Journal of Translation, 21(1-2):73-88.
Faber, P. (2009) Terminología multilingüe y ontologías. In Terminología y sociedad del conocimiento, edited by Alcina, A. & Valero, E., pages 289-308.
Faber, P. (2009) The Cognitive Shift in Terminology and Specialized Translation. MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación(1)pages 107-134. Universitat de ValènciaLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. (2009) The Pragmatics of Specialized Communication. Entreculturas, 1:61Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) Semantic relations, dynamicity, and terminological knowledge bases. Current Issues in Language Studies, 1(1):1-23Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Fernández Fernández, J. (2009) Adquisición de léxico y traducción: la aplicación del Metalenguaje Natural Semántico en los diccionarios monolingües. Interlingüística, 18:380-390. Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas.
García Aragón, A. (2009) The LEXILOGON Project: a Multilingual Dictionary of Greek-Spanish-English Literary Terms. In 2nd International Conference on Literature, Languages & Linguistics. Athens: ATINERLink to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C., Prieto Velasco, J. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2009) Sharing environmental information through multilingual terminological and multimedia resources: the role of accessibility in increasing public awareness towards sustainable growth. Proceedings of TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT (Challenges of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe). Brno (República Checa): Masaryk University, edited by Hrebícek, J., Hradec, J., Pelikán, E., Mírovský, O., Pillmann, W., Holoubek, I. & Bandholtz, T., pages 25-27. Brno: Masaryk UniversityLink to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C.I. (2009) Extracción y representación de conocimiento a partir de corpus. In Terminología y sociedad del conocimiento, edited by Valero, E. & Alcina, E.R., pages 341-374. Bern: Peter LangLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C.I. (2009) El diseño para todos y la accesibilidad universal en las asignaturas en soporte digital. Materiales multimedia para todos: inclusión y accesibilidad en educación, edited by Tercedor Sánchez, M., pages 22-66. Granada: Tragacanto.
León Araúz, P. (2009) Representación multidimensional del conocimiento especializado: el uso de marcos desde la macroestructura hasta la microestructura. PhD Thesis. University of Granada, Granada, SpainLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Magaña Redondo, P.J. & Faber, P. (2009) Managing inner and outer overinformation in Ecolexicon: An environmental ontology. In 8th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence. ToulouseLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Magaña, P. & Faber, P. (2009) Building the SISE: an environmental ontology. In Proceedings of the EU Conference, Towards eEnvironment, Opportunities of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe, edited by Hrebícek, J., Hradec, J., Pelikán, E., Mírovský, O., Pillmann, W., Holoubek, I. & Bandholtz, T., pages 16-23. Brno: Masaryk UniversityLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2009) Puertoterm & Marcocosta: A Frame-based Knowledge Base for the Environmental Domain. Journal of Multicultural Communication, 1:47-70Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2009) Knowledge Extraction on Multidimensional Concepts: Corpus Pattern Analysis (CPA) and Concordances. In 8ème conférence internationale Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle. ToulouseLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Montero Martínez, S. & Faber, P. (2009) Terminological competence in translation. Terminology, 15(1):88-104. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/term.15.1.05monLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) Traducción e imagen: la información visual en textos especializados. Granada: Tragacanto.
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) Depicting specialized language: in search of a grammar of illustrations for scientific and technical texts. In Current Issues in Language Studies, 1:41-65Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) The study of graphic information in specialized texts through corpus analysis tools. In International Journal of Translation, 21(1-2):149-167.
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) La accesibilidad como competencia del traductor: propuesta de actividades para el aprendizaje autónomo. In Sendebar, 20:201-230.
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) To see or not to see: concept visualization in terminological knowledge bases. In 8th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence, pages 220-4. ToulouseLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2009) Managing graphic information in terminological knowledge bases. Terminology, 15(2):179-213. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/term.15.2.02priLink to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2009) Ecolexicon: A frame-based knowledge base for the environment. In European conference of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT Opportunities of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe, edited by Hrebícek, J., Mírovský, J.H.a.P.a., Pillmann, W., Holoubek, I. & Bandholtz, T., pages 25-27. Brno: Masaryk UniversityLink to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A., León Araúz, P. & Faber, P. (2009) A Qualia-based Description of Specialized Knowledge Units in the Lexical-Constructional Model. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon, pages 197-205. PisaLink to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2009) Aplicación práctica a la traducción (español-francés) de la teoría del dominio léxico. In Applied Linguistics Now: Understanding language and Mind / La Lingüística Aplicada Actual : Comprendiendo el Lenguaje y la Mente, edited by Bretones-Callejas, C., Fernández-Sánchez, J., Ibáñez-Ibáñez, J.R., García-Sánchez, E., Cortés-de-los-Ríos, E., Salaberri, S., Cruz, S., Perdú, N. & Cantizano, B., pages 1681-1692. Almería: Universidad de AlmeríaLink to this publication in PDF format
Seibel, C. (2009) Accesibilidad e inclusión en los textos multimodales: La audiodescripción de la imagen dinámica. Materiales multimedia para todos: inclusión y accesibilidad en educación, edited by Tercedor Sánchez, M., pages 87-109. Granada: Tragacanto.
Seibel, C. & Jiménez Hurtado, C. (2009) Definir para todos. La definición como acceso fundamental a la información. Materiales multimedia para todos: inclusión y accesibilidad en educación, edited by Tercedor Sánchez, M., pages 167-184. Granada: TragacantoLink to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2009) Materiales multimedia para todos: inclusión y accesibilidad en educación. Granada: Tragacanto.
Tercedor Sánchez, M., Alarcón Navío, E., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2009) Images as part of technical translation courses: implications and applications. Journal of Specialised translation, 11:143-168Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2009) Aprender con imágenes. Materiales multimedia para todos: inclusión y accesibilidad en educación, edited by Tercedor Sánchez, M., pages 67-86. Granada: Tragacanto.


Faber, P., León Araúz, P. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2008) Semantic relations, dynamicity and terminological knowledge bases. In Proceedings of the XVIII FIT World Congress. Shanghai: Foreign Languages Press.
Fernández Fernández, J. (2008) La equivalencia en los diccionarios bilingües: un enfoque semántico. In Proceedings of the XIII EURALEX International Congress, edited by Bernal, E. & DeCesaris, J., pages 843-854. Barcelona: IULALink to this publication in PDF format
García De Quesada, M. & Reimerink, A. (2008) The importance of being context: a proposal in terminography. In Proceedings of the XVIII FIT World Congress. Shanghai: Foreign Languages Press.
López Rodríguez, C.I. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2008) Construcción de material audiovisual accesible en el aula de traducción para sensibilizar a futuros traductores. In Accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales para personas con discapacidad AMADIS '08, pages 163-178. Madrid: Real Patronato sobre DiscapacidadLink to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C.I. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2008) Corpora and students' autonomy in scientific and technical translation training. The Journal of Specialised Translation, 9:2-19Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P. (2008) Representación multidimensional del conocimiento especializado. In Aproximaciones cognitivas al estudio de la traducción y la interpretación, edited by Fernández Sánchez, M.M. & Muñoz Martín, R., pages 205-258. Comares.
León Araúz, P., Faber, P. & Pérez Hernández, C. (2008) LSP dictionaries and their genuine purpose: a frame-based example from MARCOCOSTA. In Proceedings of the XIII EURALEX International Congress (Barcelona, 15-19 July 2008), edited by Bernal, E. & DeCesaris, J., pages 997-1006. Barcelona: Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) / Documenta UniversitariaLink to this publication in PDF format
León Araúz, P., Reimerink, A. & Faber, P. (2008) PUERTOTERM and MARCOCOSTA: a frame-based knowledge base for the environmental domain. In Proceedings of the XVIII FIT World Congress. Shanghai: Foreign Languages Press.
Montero Martínez, S. (2008) Constructional Approach to Terminological Phrasemes. In Proceedings of the XIII EURALEX International Congress (Barcelona, 15-19 July 2008), edited by Bernal, E. & DeCesaris, J.. Barcelona: Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) / Documenta Universitaria.
Montero Martínez, S. (2008) Tidying-up tides: Modelling coastal processes in terminology management. In Proceedings of the XVIII FIT World Congress. Shanghai: Foreign Languages Press.
Montero Martínez, S. & Faber, P. (2008) Terminología para traductores e intérpretes. Granada: TragacantoLink to this publication in PDF format
Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2008) Información gráfica y grados de especialidad en el discurso científico-técnico: un estudio de corpus. PhD Thesis. Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain. Best Arts and Humanities PhD Thesis Award 2007-08Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Robinson, B.J., López Rodríguez, C.I. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2008) Neither Born nor Made, but Socially Constructed: Promoting Interactive Learning in an Online Environment. TTR: Traduction, terminologie, rédaction, 21(2):95-129. Association canadienne de traductologieLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2008) De los diccionarios para traducir o lo que no necesita el traductor. In 25 años de lingüística en España [Recurso electrónico]: hitos y retos= 25 years os applied linguistics in Spain: milestones and challenges, edited by Sánchez, A. & Monroy Casas, R., pages 1101-1113. Murcia: Editum. Ediciones de la Universidad de MurciaLink to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2008) Integrating corpus data in dynamic knowledge bases The Puertoterm project. Terminology, 14(2):159-182. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/term.14.2.03terLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M., Melero Hernández, A. & Benítez Suárez, M.D.L.O. (2008) Hacia el desarrollo de criterios para la descripción de imágenes. In Congreso AMADIS (Accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales para personas con discapacidad). Barcelona: Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad.


Buendía Castro, M. & Huertas Barros, E. (2007) Controlled Language through the Definitions of Coastal Terms in English. In CAMLing Proceedings 2007, edited by Hilton, N., Arscott, R., Barden, K., Krishna, A., Shah, S. & Zellers, M., pages 17-24. Cambridge: Cambridge Institute of Language Research (CILR)Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., León Araúz, P., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Reimerink, A. (2007) Linking images and words: the description of specialized concepts. International Journal of Lexicography, 20(1):39-65. Oxford Univ Press. doi:10.1093/ijl/ecl038Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P., Márquez Linares, C. & Vega Expósito, M. (2007) Modelización conceptual en la traducción científica. In Brücken: Festschrift für Gerd Wotjak zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Emsel, M. & Cuartero Otal, J., pages 109-120. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
Jiménez Hurtado, C. & Seibel, C. (2007) From expert knowledge representation to controlled language: Flexible definitions for coastal process Concepts. Translationsqualität, edited by Schmitt, P.A. & Jüngst, H.E., pages 690-702. Peter LangLink to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C.I. (2007) Understanding scientific communication through the extraction of the conceptual and rhetorical information codified by verbs. Terminology, 13(1):61-84. John Benjamins Publishing CompanyLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C.I., Robinson, B. & Tercedor Sánchez, M.I. (2007) A learner generated corpus to direct learner centered courses. Proceedings of the Maastricht Session of the 4th International Maastricht - Łódź Duo Colloquium on ''Translation and Meaning'', edited by Thelen, M. & Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B., 7:197-212. Maastricht: Zuyd University, Maastricht School of International CommunicationLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Montero Martínez, S. (2007) La competencia terminológica en traducción e interpretación: propuesta docente. In Actas del XXIV Congreso Internacional de AESLA. Aprendizaje de lenguas, uso del lenguaje y modelación cognitiva, perspectivas aplicadas entre disciplinas, pages 173. Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, UNED.
Prieto Velasco, J.A., Tercedor Sánchez, M. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2007) Using multimedia materials in the teaching of scientific and technical translation. Linguistica Antverpiensia, 6:115-134Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Reimerink, A. (2007) The use of verbs in research articles: A corpus analysis. Terminology, 13(2):177-200. John Benjamins Publishing CompanyLink to this publication in PDF format
Seibel, C. & Jiménez Hurtado, C. (2007) Expertenwissen und kontrollierte Sprache am Beispiel des Begriffsfeldes marine Prozesse. Lebende Sprachen, 52(3):118-121. doi:10.1515/LES.2007.118.
Senso Ruiz, J.A., Magaña Redondo, P.J., Faber, P. & Vila Miranda, A. (2007) Metodología para la estructuración del conocimiento de una disciplina: el caso de PuertoTerm. El profesional de la información, 16(6):591-604. doi:10.3145/epi.2007.nov.06Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. & Jiménez Crespo, M.&. (2007) Accesibilidad, imágenes y traducción técnica. Accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales para personas con discapacidad, pages 120-132. Madrid: Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad.
Tercedor Sánchez, M., Lara Burgos, P., Herrador Molina, D., Márquez Linares, I. & Márquez Alhambra, L. (2007) Parámetros de análisis en la subtitulación accessible. Traducción accesible. La audiodescripción para ciegos y la subtitulación para sordos, edited by Jiménez Hurtado, C., pages 41-51. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.


Faber, P., León Arauz, P., Prieto Velasco, J.A. & Reimerink, A. (2006) Linking images and words: the description of specialized concepts. In Proceedings XII Euralex International Congress, edited by Corino, E., Carla, M. & Onesti, C., pages 751-763. Torino.
Faber, P., Montero Martínez, S., Castro Prieto, M.R., Senso Ruiz, J., Prieto Velasco, J.A., León Arauz, P., Márquez Linares, C. & Vega Expósito, M. (2006) Process-oriented terminology management in the domain of Coastal Engineering. Terminology, 12(2):189-213. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/term.12.2.03fabLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
García De Quesada, M. & Montero Martínez, S. (2006) La comunicación no verbal en interpretación. In Intersemiótica y Traducción: Traducción y signos no lingüísticos, edited by Bueno García, A., Anguiano Pérez, R. & Adrada Rafael, C.. Soria: Diputación Provincial de Soria.
Jiménez Hurtado, C. & Seibel, C. (2006) Vom Expertenwissen zur Kontrollierten Sprache. Dargestellt anhand des hydrologischen Begriffsfeldes marine Prozesse. In Akten des XII. ALEG-Kongresses, pages 73-82. Havanna und Leipzig: ALEG (Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios Germanísticos).
López Rodríguez, C.I., Faber, P. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2006) Terminología basada en el conocimiento para la traducción y la divulgación médicas: el caso de ONCOTERM. Panace@, VII(24):228-240Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C.I., Tercedor Sánchez, M. & Faber, P. (2006) Gestión terminológica basada en el conocimiento y generación de recursos de información sobre el cáncer: el proyecto Oncoterm. Revista E Salud, 2(8)Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Robinson, B., López Rodríguez, C.I. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2006) Self-assessment in translator training. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 14(2):115-138Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M., López Rodríguez, C.I. & Prieto Velasco, J.A. (2006) Accesibilidad web a través de la descripción de imágenes. In Accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales para personas con discapacidad, pages 73-82. Madrid: Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad.
Tercedor Sánchez, M., Lara Burgos, P., Herrador Molina, D., Márquez Linares, I. & Márquez Alhambra, L. (2006) ¿Subtitulamos para todos? Propuesta de criterios para una subtitulación accesible. In Accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales para personas con discapacidad, pages 83-93. Madrid.


Faber, P. & Márquez Linares, C. (2005) A three-level model of metaphor for specialized communication. In Translationswissenschaft im interdisziplinären Dialog, edited by Zybatow, L., pages 71-94. Peter Lang.
Faber, P., Márquez Linares, C. & Vega Expósito, M. (2005) Framing Terminology: A process-oriented approach. Meta: Journal des traducteurs / Meta: Translators' Journal, 50(4). Les Presses de l'Université de MontréalLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Fuertes Olivera, P.A., Montero Martínez, S. & García de Quesada, M. (2005) Modelos culturales y discursivos en la traducción de textos de comercio internacional: Problemas y soluciones. Babel. Revue internationale de la traduction, 51(4):357-379. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/babel.51.4.06fueLink to this publication in PDF format
Jiménez Hurtado, C. & Seibel, C. (2005) La definición variable como base semántica del lenguaje controlado: Un ejemplo en textos sobre procesos marinos (alemán-español). El español, lengua de cultura, lengua de traducción: aspectos teóricos, metodológicos y profesionales, edited by Campos Plaza, N.A., García Peinado, M.A., Ortega Arjonilla, E. & Vilvandre De Sousa, C., pages 465-477. Granada: Editorial Atrio.
Jiménez Hurtado, C. & Seibel, C. (2005) Kommunikativ-funktionale und/oder kommunikativ-semantische Beschreibungen des Terminus im Sprachenpaar Spanisch-Deutsch. In Beiträge zum romanisch-deutschen und innerromanischen Sprachvergleich, edited by Fleischmann, E. & Wotjak, G. Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, pages 159-169. Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag.
Sánchez Cárdenas, B. (2005) Traducir para la Localización: de lo local a lo internacional y viceversa. In Las nuevas profesiones de las lenguas, edited by Llamas Ubieto, M., pages 133-137. Madrid: Liceus.
Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2005) Aspectos culturales en la localización de productos multimedia. In Quaderns: revista de traducció, pages 151-160Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2005) Parámetros profesionales en la didáctica de la traducción científica y técnica. In Estudios sobre traducción: teoría, didáctica, profesión, edited by Yuste Frías, J. & Álvarez Lugrís, A., pages 97-112. Vigo.
Tercedor Sánchez, M. & Abadía Molina, F. (2005) The role of images in the translation of technical and scientific texts. Meta: Journal des traducteurs/Meta:Translators' Journal, 50(4). Les Presses de l'Université de MontréalLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M., López Rodríguez, C.I. & Robinson, B. (2005) Textual and visual aids for e-learning translation courses. Meta: Journal des traducteurs/Meta:Translators' Journal, 50(4). Les Presses de l'Université de MontréalLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format


Faber, P. & Jiménez Hurtado, C. (2004) Traducción, lenguaje y cognición. Granada: Comares.
Faber, P. & Márquez Linares, C. (2004) The role of imagery in specialised communication. Imagery in language, edited by Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. & Kwiatkowska, A., pages 585-602. Frankfurt: Peter LangLink to this publication in PDF format
Jiménez Hurtado, C. & Seibel, C. (2004) El lenguaje controlado para una definición variable: no ambiguity through homonyms, no redundancy through synonyms. In Léxico especializado y comunicación interlingüística, edited by Faber, P., Jiménez Hurtado, C. & Wotjak, G., pages 117-130. Granada: Granada Lingvistica.
Jiménez Hurtado, C. & Seibel, C. (2004) Modelos culturales activados en los textos especializados: hacia un concepto de representación del conocimiento experto. In Translationskompetenz: Tagungsberichte der LICTRA (Leipzig International Conference on Translation Studies), edited by Fleischmann, E., Schmitt, P.A. & Wotjak, G., pages 511-523. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.
López Rodriguez, C.I. & Tercedor Sánchez, M.I. (2004) Problemas, evaluación y calidad en traducción cient\'\fica y técnica. Sendebar: Boletín de la EUTI de Granada(15)pages 29-44.
Montero Martínez, S. & García de Quesada, M. (2004) Designing a corpus-based grammar for pragmatic terminographic definitions. Journal of pragmatics, 36(2):265-291. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/S0378-2166(03)00088-2Link to this publication in PDF format
Montero Martínez, S. & García De Quesada, M. (2004) Esquemas frasémicos y análisis terminológico para la traducción. Sendebar: Boletín de la EUTI de Granada(15)pages 115-139.
Seibel, C. & Jiménez Hurtado, C. (2004) El componente pragmático en la definición de las unidades terminológicas. In Léxico especializado y comunicación interlingüística, edited by Faber, P., Jiménez Hurtado, C. & Wotjak, G., pages 103-116. Granada: Granada Lingvistica.
Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2004) Esquemas metafóricos en el español de la ciencia y la tecnología. In Léxico especializado y comunicación interlingüística, edited by Faber, P., Jiménez Hurtado, C. & Wotjak, G., pages 233-242. Granada: Granada Lingvistica.


Faber, P. (2003) Terminological competence and enhanced knowledge acquisition. Research in Language, 1:95-116. Wydawnictwo: Uniwersytetu LódzkiegoLink to this publication in PDF format
Ruiz Vaca, J., Fernández Marsden, C., Haines, M., Tercedor, M., McConnell, A., Mohan, B., A., F. & thers, (eds). (2003) The Oxford Spanish Dictionary Spanish-English, English-Spanish. Oxford New York, Oxford University Press.
García De Quesada, M. & Montero Martínez, S. (2003) Documentación y Adquisición Terminográficas Basadas en el Conocimiento: el Caso de la Interpretación. Hermeneus. Revista de traducción, 5:107-130Link to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
García De Quesada, M. & Montero Martínez, S. (2003) Hacia una gramática de la definición terminográfica. In Terminología y traducción: un bosquejo de su evolución. Actas II Coloquio Internacional sobre Enseñanza de la Terminología, edited by Gallardo San Salvador, N., pages 243-254. Granada: Atrio.
García De Quesada, M. & Montero Martínez, S. (2003) Optimización de la adquisición y documentación terminográfica del intérprete. In Actas del I Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación (AIETI), edited by Muñoz Martín, R.. Granada: AIETI.
López-Rodríguez, C.I. (2003) Electronic resources and lexical cohesion in the construction of intercultural competence. Lebende Sprachen, 48(4/2003):152-156Link to this publication in PDF format
Montero Martínez, S. (2003) Estructuración conceptual y formalización terminográfica de frasemas en el subdominio de la oncología. PhD Thesis. Universidad de ValladolidLink to this publication in PDF format
Montero Martínez, S. & García de Quesada, M. (2003) Terminological analysis for translation. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 11(4):293-314. Taylor & Francis. doi:10.1080/0907676X.2003.9961482Link to this publication in PDF format
Montero Martínez, S. & García De Quesada, M. (2003) Los Frasemas Terminológicos del Discurso Oncológico: Estructuración Conceptual en OntoTerm®. In Las lenguas para fines específicos en la sociedad del conocimiento, edited by Durán Escribano, P., Aguado De Cea, G., Álvarez De Mon y Rego, I. & García Fernández, M., pages 221-236. Madrid: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Seibel, C. (2003) Problemas de Traducción de léxico especializado en los textos sobre oncología desde la homeopatía: una perspectiva ideológica. In STIAL: II Simposio sobre la Traducción-Interpretación del-al alemán, edited by Elena, P., Fortea, C. & Roiss, S., pages 230-243. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
Seibel, C. (2003) La información pragmática de la definición terminológica en el ámbito médico. In Actas del I Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación (AIETI), edited by Muñoz Martín, R., pages 557-579. Granada: AIETI.
Tercedor Sánchez, M. & López Rodríguez, C.I. (2003) Calidad en traducción científica y técnica: gestión terminológica y criterios de evaluación. In Terminología y traducción: Un bosquejo de su evolución. Actas II Coloquio Internacional sobre Enseñanza de la Terminología, edited by Gallardo San Salvador, N., pages 213-226. Granada: Comares.


Faber, P. (2002) Oncoterm: sistema bilingüe de información y recursos oncológicos. In La traducción científico-técnica y la terminología en la sociedad de la información, edited by Alcina, A. & Gamero, S., pages 177-188. Castelló: Servicio de Publicaciones Universitat Jaume.
Faber, P. (2002) Investigar en terminología. In Investigar en terminología, edited by Faber, P. & Jiménez Hurtado, C., pages 3-24. Granada: Comares.
Faber, P. (2002) Terminographic definition and concept representation. Training the Language Services Provider for the New Millennium, edited by Maia, B., Haller, J. & Ulyrich, M., pages 343-354. Porto: University of OportoLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & Jiménez Hurtado, C. (2002) Investigar en terminología. Granada: Comares.
García de Quesada, M., Olivera Fuertes, P.A. & Montero Martínez, S. (2002) Propuesta de estructura definicional terminográfica en OntoTerm®. Terminology, 8(1):57-90. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/term.8.1.04garLink to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C.I. (2002) Extracción de información conceptual, textual y retórica en terminología: la distribución de verbos en los resúmenes de artículos experimentales. In Investigar en terminología, edited by Faber, P. & Jiménez Hurtado, C., pages 167-198. Granada: Comares.
Márquez Linares, C. (2002) Polisemia, vaguedad referencial y terminología. In Investigar en terminología, edited by Faber, P. & Jiménez Hurtado, C., pages 215-226. Granada: Comares.
Montero Martínez, S. & García De Quesada, M. (2002) Modelado Conceptual para la Representación del Significado de Frasemas Terminológicos. In Translating Science. II International Conference on Specialized Translation, edited by Chabás, J., Gaser, R. & Rey, J., pages 307-318. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Montero Martínez, S., García de Quesada, M. & Fuertes-Olivera, P.A. (2002) Terminological phrasemes in OntoTerm\textregistered: A new theoretical and practical approach. Terminology, 8(2):177-206. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/term.8.2.02monLink to this publication in PDF format
Montero Martinez, S. & García de Quesada, M. (2002) Estructuracion conceptual de frasemas terminologicos en Onto Term\textregistered. Terminologie et Traduction, 1:125-147. Communautes Europeenne.
Reimerink, A. (2002) Tendencias en el uso de los verbos para la redacción de artículos de investigación. In Investigar en terminología, edited by Faber, P. & Jiménez Hurtado, C., pages 227-252. Granada: Comares.
Seibel, C. (2002) La codificación de la información pragmática en la estructura de la definición terminológica. PhD Thesis. Granada: Universidad de GranadaLink to this publication in PDF format
Seibel, C. & Jiménez Hurtado, C. (2002) La pragmática de la terminología: en busca del perfil del usuario. In Investigar en terminología. Granada: Comares, edited by Faber, P. & Jiménez Hurtado, C., pages 91-126. Granada: Comares.
Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2002) Descripción y variación de la representación terminológica: el caso de la dimensión tipos de cáncer. In Investigar en terminología, edited by Faber, P. & Jiménez Hurtado, C., pages 199-214. Granada: Comares.


Faber, P., López Rodríguez, C.I. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2001) Utilización de técnicas de corpus en la representación del conocimiento médico. Terminology, 7(2):167-198. John Benjamins Publishing CompanyLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & Márquez Linares, C.F. (2001) Design of a corpus-based vocabulary for teaching English in the primary school. Effective foreign language teaching at the primary level, edited by Jiménez Raya, M., Faber, P., Gewehr, W. & Peck, A.J. Foreign Language Teaching in Europe, 4:25-38.
Faber, P. & Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2001) Codifying conceptual information in descriptive terminology management. Meta: Journal des traducteursMeta:/Translators' Journal, 46(1):192-204. Les Presses de l'Université de MontréalLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
García de Quesada, M., Fuertes Olivera, P.A. & Montero Martínez, S. (2001) Condicionantes del proceso traductor: un caso de traductor-experto. Sendebar: Revista de la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación(12)pages 283-300. Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación.
López Rodríguez, C.I. (2001) Training translators to learn from news report corpora: the case of Anglo-American cultural references. Training the Language Services Provider for the New Millenium, edited by Haller, J. & Maia, M.U., pages 213-222. Oporto: Faculdade de Letras Universidade do PortoLink to this publication in PDF format
López Rodríguez, C.I. (2001) Tipología textual y cohesión en la traducción biomédica inglés-español: un estudio de corpus. PhD Thesis. Universidad de GranadaLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Montero Martínez, S. (2001) El calco sintáctico y la traducción de colocaciones léxicas. In Trabajos en lingüística aplicada, edited by Muñoz, C., Celaya, M.L., Fernández-Villanueva, M., Navés, T., Strunk, O. & Tragant, E., pages 751-758. Barcelona: Univerbook.
Montero Martinez, S., Fuertes-Olivera, P.A. & García de Quesada, M. (2001) The Translator as' Language Planner': Syntactic Calquing in an English-Spanish Technical Translation of Chemical Engineering. Meta: Journal des traducteurs/Meta:Translators' Journal, 46(4):687-698. Les Presses de l'Université de MontréalLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format


Faber, P. & Pérez Hernández, C. (2000) Image schemata within the lexical field of visual perception in English and Spanish. In AEDEAN: select papers in language, literature and culture: proceedings of the 17th International Conference, pages 241-246. Vigo: Universidad de Vigo.
Jiménez, C. & Seibel, C. (2000) La codificación de la información pragmática en las unidades de significación especializada (USE): Una propuesta metodológica. In Terminologia e indústrias da língua : Actas do VII Simpósio Ibero-Americano de Terminologia, pages 529-543. Lisboa: Instituto de Linguística Teórica e Computacional.
López Rodriguez, C.I. (2000) Tipologías textuales y géneros en la normalización terminológica y ortotipográfica de la traducción médica. Terminologie et Traduction(3)pages 78-97. COMMUNAUTES EUROPEENNELink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Montero Martinez, S. (2000) La unidad terminologica: De la uniformidad a la variacion. Hermeneus. Revista de traducción, 2:181-190. Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de SoriaLink to this publication in PDF format Link to this publication in PDF format
Tercedor Sánchez, M. (2000) A Pragmatic Approach to the Description of Phraseology in Biomedical Texts. In Investigating Translation: Selected papers from the 4th International Congress on Translation, Barcelona, 1998, 32:263-272. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.
Tercedor Sánchez, M. & Méndez Cendón, B. (2000) Fraseología y variación terminológica: estudio descriptivo en corpora biomédicos. Terminologie et traduction(2)pages 82-99. COMMUNAUTES EUROPEENNE.


Faber, P. (1999) Conceptual analysis and knowledge acquisition in scientific translation. Terminologie et traduction(2)pages 97-123. COMMUNAUTES EUROPEENNELink to this publication in PDF format
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Tercedor Sánchez, M.I. (1999) La fraseología en el lenguaje biomédico: análisis desdelas necesidades del traductor. PhD Thesis. Universidad de GranadaLink to this publication in PDF format


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Faber, P. & Mairal Usón, R. (1998) The paradigmatic and syntagmatic structure of the lexical field of FEELING. Cuadernos de investigación filológica, XXIII-XXIV:35-60. Universidad de La RiojaLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & Mairal Usón, R. (1998) Dominios y esquemas de predicado: hacia una productividad léxica. In Teoría del campo y semántica léxica, edited by Wotjak, G., pages 233-274. Frankfurt: Peter LangLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & Mairal Usón, R. (1998) Methodological criteria for the elaboration of a functional lexicon-based grammar of the semantic domain of cognitive verbs. In The structure of the lexicon in Functional Grammar, edited by Olbertz, H., Hengeveld, K. & Sánchez García, J., pages 3-24. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Faber, P. & Mairal Usón, R. (1998) Prototipos semánticos en el lexicón lexemático-funcional. In Estudios de tipología lingüística, edited by Luque Durán, J.D.D. & Pamies Bertrán, A., pages 15-36. Granada: MétodoLink to this publication in PDF format
Faber, P. & Mairal Usón, R. (1998) Towards a semantic syntax. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 36:37-64Link to this publication in PDF format

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